The Best Valorant Agents: Valorant Agent Tier List

Finding the best Agent to climb the ranks with can be a tough task. Luckily, we're here to help out. Here are the best Valorant Agents to use.

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Anwell Patdu

The Best Valorant Agents: Key Takeaways

  • Jett, Raze, and Reyna are the best Valorant Duelists.
  • Sage and Killjoy are the best Valorant Sentinels.
  • Viper and Omen are the best Valorant Controllers.
  • Fade and Sova are the best Valorant Initiators.

There are currently 21 different Valorant Agents to choose from. They all have their own unique abilities and bring different types of utility to the team. Using the right one when climbing can make or break how fast you can rank up.

Here are our picks for the best Valorant Agents in the game.

Valorant Agents Tier List

TierAgent NameAgent Class

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It’s time to take a deeper look at each of the Agents and find out what makes them great.

S-Tier Valorant Agents

These are the Agents that stand out among the pack and are by far the best ones you can use in the game.


Jett at the Valorant Agent Select.
Image via Riot Games.

If you like using the operator, Jett is one of the best Valorant Agents for you. She has great mobility, offers an insanely powerful ultimate, and can even provide some smokes. Jett is a very flexible Duelist that can entry frag, take aggressive picks, and defend sites using the Operator.


Sage at Agent Select
Image via Riot Games.

Sage is one of the top Sentinels on our list because of her ability to provide heals and her round-changing Resurrect ability. Her wall and Slow Orbs are also great tools that she can use to help enter the site or to easily defend tight spaces.


Killjoy at Agent Select
Image via Riot Games.

Killjoy is one of the best Valorant Agents for beginners. She’s very easy to use and mostly lets her abilities do all the damage. A killer Killjoy setup can be one of the most difficult things to push in Valorant. This is why she’s up here with the best of them.


Raze at Agent Select
Image via Riot Games.

Raze is another solid Duelist who is top tier both on Attacking and Defending. Her utility is great at entry fragging for her team and clearing corners. On the other hand, things like Boom Bot and Paint Shells are also insanely powerful at pushing Attackers back.


Reyna at Agent Select
Image via Riot Games.

The final Agent in S-Tier is Reyna. Reyna is one of the best Valorant Agents for beginners because of her easy-to-use abilities and selfish playstyle. However, Reyna is also one of the best solo carries in the game. Her insanely great self-sufficient kit makes an excellent Reyna player nearly impossible to stop.

A-Tier Valorant Agents

These next set of Agents are still solid picks within their respective classes. They are still among the best Valorant Agents and can help you secure wins with ease.


Viper at Agent Select
Image via Riot Games.

Viper is a Controller who can be a bit difficult to use at first but is amazing once you get used to her skills. She can easily control the battlefield and is perfect for large maps. She’s also great at defending sites and post-plants, thanks to her ability to use lineups.


Sova at Agent Select
Image via Riot Games.

A great Sova player can be annoying to play against. It feels like he always knows where you are because of his great Recon Bolt placements and Owl Drone usage. He also provides solid post-plant plays through Shock Dart and Hunter’s Fury.


Fade at Agent Select
Image via Riot Games.

Fade is one of the few Agents that can rival Sova’s intel-gathering capabilities. She can also scan her way through sites and clear angles with ease. However, Fade also has great AOE abilities that she can use with her teammate’s abilities for a deadly combo.


Omen at Agent Select
Image via Riot Games.

Omen is one of the most flexible Controller Agents in Valorant. His long-range smokes allow him to help his team block vision even if he’s on the other side of the map. This makes Omen a great lurking Agent. His Shrouded Step and From the Shadows are also amazing mobility tools that he can use to perform crazy outplays.


Phoenix at Agent Select
Image via Riot Games.

Finally, we have Phoenix. Phoenix is also one of the best Valorant agents for beginners. He has a great kit that provides almost everything you’d need in an Agent. He also has heals and a 2nd life through his ultimate, making him a very strong and forgiving Agent to play.

B-Tier Valorant Agents

These next picks are “middle of the pack” Agents. They are typically still good enough for Competitive play but aren’t as great as the picks above.


Gekko at the Valorant Agents Select.
Image via Riot Games.

Gekko is Valorant’s newest Agent, and the community is still getting to know how to play with and against him. The main reason why he’s B-Tier is that he can be very strong on the right maps but also quite useless on others. 


One of the Best Valorant Agents, Skye.
Image via Riot Games.

Skye is actually a pretty great Initiator. She’s just not as good as someone like a Sova or Fade. However, her skills can be pretty useful, and she also has a solid AOE heal, making her an overall team player.


Brimstone at Agent Select
Image via Riot Games.

Brimstone is by far the best Valorant Controller for beginners. His smokes are literally aim-and-click, and the rest of his kit is pretty straightforward as well. He also provides solid post-plant plays through molly lineups and his ultimate. 


Cypher at Agent Select
Image via Riot Games.

Cypher used to be one of the top Sentinel Agents in the game. However, he can easily be countered by some of the best Valorant Agents like Raze, Sova, and Fade, which makes him weaker in general. You can still succeed as Cypher, though. You’ll just need to find better setups that are harder to counter.


Neon at Agent Select
Image via Riot Games.

Neon is one of the fastest-moving Agents in the game. She can use her speed to enter sites with ease and surprise enemies before they even get the chance to react. However, most people don’t understand how to play her and how to use her speed to get an advantage.


Harbor at Agent Select
Image via Riot Games.

Like Viper, Harbor makes use of walls instead of traditional circular smoke. He’s actually surprisingly useable on most maps. The problem simply lies in what he offers. Most of the other Controllers just offer better kits and provide better advantages to their team than Harbor. This makes him an outcast of sorts, stuck in limbo.


Breach at Agent Select
Image via Riot Games.

The problem with Breach is that he needs walls and surfaces to use most of his skills. This makes him harder to play. A good Breach player can completely dominate a lobby, though. But not everyone is a good Breach player, which is why he’s in B-Tier.

C-Tier Valorant Agents

We’re nearing the bottom of our list. These next set of Agents aren’t that strong and can only truly be successful if you’re a master of their skills or have specific game plans in place.


KAYO at Agent Select
Image via Riot Games.

KAY/O has unique abilities that allow him to silence enemies. His biggest problem is that your team usually doesn’t know how to take advantage of the silence. He works well in team-based environments like tournaments but is typically bad in solo queues. You’re better off using a different Initiator instead.


Chamber at Agent Select
Image via Riot Games.

Chamber used to be a solid aggressive Sentinel Agent that could get you early picks. However, since his nerfs in Patch 5.12, he has slowly fallen off the meta. He’s still a viable Operator Agent, although he can barely control sites as a Sentinel.


Astra at Agent Select
Image via Riot Games.

The final Valorant Agent in C-Tier is Astra. Astra is actually a top-tier Controller Agent when put in the right hands. Her biggest problem is her difficulty. This leads to unforced mistakes in-game. You’re better off using different Controllers unless you’re 100% confident in your Astra skills.

D-Tier Valorant Agents

This final tier is home to some of the best Valorant Agents if you want to lose. Most of the time, you’re better off using quite literally any other Agent than the ones in D-Tier.


Yoru at Agent Select
Image via Riot Games.

The only Agent in D-Tier is non-other than Yoru. Since he was released, Yoru has had difficulty finding his place in the meta. Even after a few reworks, he’s still not that great. Yoru is a difficult Agent to play because you’ll need to think two or three steps ahead of the pack just to pull off a single play. Most of the time, you’ll just do more harm than good unless you have complete mastery over his abilities.