Valorant KAY/O Guide: The Best Tips and Tricks

Get ready to negate abilities and flash your opponents with KAY/O. Learn more about the literal war machine using our Valorant KAY/O guide.

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Anwell Patdu

Valorant KAY/O: Key Takeaways

  • Valorant KAY/O skills: FRAG/ment, FLASH/drive, ZERO/point, and NULL/cmd.
  • Your goal on Attackers as KAY/O: Tag opponents with your ZERO/point, flash for your Duelists, and be the entry fragger when your ultimate is up.
  • Your goal on Defenders as KAY/O: Delay pushes using your flashes and molly, gather early information using your ZERO/point, and lead retakes with your knife or ultimate.
  • KAY/O can be a good Initiator or entry fragger, depending on your team’s needs.
  • KAY/O is better at engaging enemies than gathering information, unlike other Initiators.

KAY/O is a very flexible agent who can fulfill different roles within a team. His kit has a bit of everything. He brings flashes, a molly, an ability-negating AOE knife, and a revivable ultimate.

Find out the best ways to utilize KAY/O using the tips and tricks in our Valorant KAY/O guide.

Initiate Fights Whenever You Have Your Ultimate Up

A common mistake that most Valorant KAY/O players make is still letting their Duelists enter first whenever they have their ultimate. However, you should actually be leading the charge and become the entry fragger.

KAY/Os NULL/cmd is similar to Phoenix’s Run it Back ultimate. Instead of dying, you get knocked down for up to 15 seconds. So don’t be afraid to die. Just trust that your team will trade you and clear as many corners as you can for as long as your ultimate is active.

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Use Your ZERO/point to Gather Information and to Engage in Duels

ZERO/point is the only information-gathering tool that KAY/O has. This makes it a valuable asset that you should know when to use. Typically, it’s best to use it at the start of rounds to catch early pushes or right before you are going to enter a site.

ZERO/point can also be used as an engaging tool. Not being able to use abilities in Valorant is a huge thing. This is especially true against agents like Jett or Chamber, who can’t quickly escape using dash or TP. So make sure to capitalize on your knife and push the tagged enemies.

Combine Your FLASH/drive and FRAG/ment for Some Quick Damage

Valorant KAY/O Throwing a FLASH/drive lineup on Fracture
Image via Riot Games.

KAY/O’s FLASH/drive and FRAG/ment are two deadly tools when used alone. But if you can time things correctly and use them together, it can result in dealing a huge chunk of damage or even quick kills in some scenarios.

Some of the world’s best Valorant KAY/O players have molly and flash lineups. This ensures that their enemies are blinded when the molly lands. However, you can still get some free kills or damage without lineups if you can time them correctly.

Learn Some Lineups for Both Your FRAG/ment and ZERO/point

Now this is an essential tip for aspiring KAY/O mains out there. That’s to learn lineups for FRAG/ment and ZERO/point. These are two powerful tools that become even better when you have lineups.

FRAG/ment lineups are a great way to delay spike defuses or plants, challenge ultimate orb control, or simply stop pushes. On the other hand, ZERO/point lineups are perfect for landing your knife consistently.

The Best Ways to Effectively Use KAY/O When Attacking

  • Use KAY/O as an aggressive Initiator.
  • Use KAY/O as an entry fragger whenever you have NULL/cmd up.
  • Lead with your knife and engage with your flashes.

The Best Ways to Effectively Use KAY/O When Defending

  • Gather early information by using your ZERO/point.
  • Delay rushes using your flashes and molly.
  • Lead retakes using your knife and ultimate.