Best Modern Warfare & Warzone Loadouts Season 6

Customizing your loadout is an essential part of the Warzone and Modern Warfare multiplayer experience. It’s important to understand the current loadout meta to give yourself every possible advantage. On this page we’ll break down the best warzone loadouts for season 6 of WZ2.

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Portal Staff

We break down every weapon from MW2, MW3, and WZ2 giving both the best multiplayer and Warzone loadouts for the current Season 6 meta. All MW2 weapons will be available and have progress carry over to Modern Warfare 3.

Key Takeaways

Update for MW3 Release

With Modern Warfare fully released as of November 10th, 2023, the meta for Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer weapons has been added and updated. The TAQ Eradicator is expected to be a reward for an upcoming weekly challenge and has not been released into the game at this time.

The best meta loadouts for MW3 are: SVA 545, Holger 556, Longbow, Bas-B, Rival-9, Striker 9, MCW, Holger 26, Lockwood 680, and WSP Swarm.

MW3 weapons currently have not been integrated into Warzone. This is expected to happen alongside Season 1’s release in December 2023.

Check out our MW3 camo challenge guide for how to unlock all your multiplayer and zombie camos.

Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer Loadouts

Weapon TypeWeapon Loadout and Camo ChallengesMW3 Multiplayer Loadout
ARSVA 545MW3 SVA 545 Loadout
ARMTZ-556MW3 MTZ-556 Loadout
ARHolger 556MW3 Holger 556 Loadout
ARDG-58MW3 DG-58 Loadout
ARFR 5.56MW3 FR 5.56 Loadout
BRMTZ-762MW3 MTZ-762 Loadout
BRSidewinderMW3 Sidewinder Loadout
SMGRival-9MW3 Rival-9 Loadout
SMGStrikerMW3 Striker Loadout
SMGWSP SwarmMW3 WSP Swarm Loadout
SMGWSP-9MW3 WSP-9 Loadout
SMGStriker-9MW3 Striker-9 Loadout
ShotgunRiveterMW3 Riveter Loadout
ShotgunLockwood 680MW3 Lockwood 680 Loadout
ShotgunHaymakerMW3 Haymaker Loadout
LMGPulemyot 762MW3 Pulemyot 762 Loadout
LMGDG-58 LSWMW3 DG-58 LSW Loadout
LMGHolger 26MW3 Holger 26 Loadout
LMGBruen Mk9MW3 Bruen Mk9 Loadout
LMGTAQ EradicatorYet to be released.
MarksmanMTZ interceptorMW3 MTZ interceptor Loadout
MarksmanMCW 6.8MW3 MCW 6.8 Loadout
MarksmanKVD EnforcerMW3 KVD Enforcer Loadout
MarksmanDM56MW3 DM56 Loadout
SniperLongbowMW3 Longbow Loadout
SniperKV InhibitorMW3 KV Inhibitor Loadout
HandgunRenettiMW3 Renetti Loadout
HandgunWSP StingerMW3 WSP Stinger Loadout
HandgunCor-45MW3 Cor-45 Loadout
HandgunTYRMW3 TYR Loadout
MeleeGutter Knife

Update for Season 6

With the arrival of Season 6’s The Haunting title update, the meta shifted once again for both Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer and Warzone metas.

The best guns for Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer meta are currently: SP-X 80, Chimera, Lachmann Sub, Expedite 12, ISO 9mm, Kastov 545, Vel 46, TR-76 Geist, Kastov-74u, and FTAC Siege.

The best guns for Warzone meta are currently: BAS-P, TR-76 Geist, Lockwood 300, ISO 45, ISO 9mm, Lachmann Sub, Sakin MG38, RAPP H, Tempus Razorback and FR Avancer.

Players should be able to find a weapon that fits their playstyles, if you need more loadout info on a specific weapon be sure to check out the full list below.

What are Loadouts?

Loadouts refer to a set of customizations that a player can make that will impact their weaponry selection. These customizations will have a large impact on playstyle and personal style through camo selections but also competitiveness as the game meta changes. Players often tweak and share loadouts to keep up with the latest meta.

Click each weapon to view complete loadout details, including recommended attachments with tuning and camo challenges.

MW and WZ Assault Rifle Loadouts

Weapon Loadout and Camo ChallengesMW2 Multiplayer LoadoutWarzone 2 Loadout
ChimeraMW2 Chimera LoadoutWZ Chimera Loadout
FR AvancerMW2 FR Avancer LoadoutWZ FR Avancer Loadout
ISO HemlockMW2 ISO Hemlock LoadoutWZ ISO Hemlock Loadout
Kastov 545MW2 Kastov 545 LoadoutWZ Kastov 545 Loadout
Kastov 762MW2 Kastov 762 LoadoutWZ Kastov 762 Loadout
Kastov-74UMW2 Kastov-74U LoadoutWZ Kastov-74U Loadout
Lachmann-556MW2 Lachmann-556 LoadoutWZ Lachmann-556 Loadout
M13BMW2 M13B LoadoutWZ M13B Loadout
M13CMW2 M13C LoadoutWZ M13C Loadout
M16MW2 M16 LoadoutWZ M16 Loadout
M4MW2 M4 LoadoutWZ M4 Loadout
STB 556MW2 STB 556 LoadoutWZ STB 556 Loadout
TAQ-56MW2 TAQ-56 LoadoutWZ TAQ-56 Loadout
Tempus RazorbackMW2 Tempus Razorback LoadoutWZ Tempus Razorback Loadout
TR-76 GeistMW2 TR-76 Geist LoadoutWZ TR-76 Geist Loadout

MW and WZ SMG Loadouts

Weapon Loadout and Camo ChallengesMW2 Multiplayer LoadoutWarzone 2 Loadout
BAS-PMW2 BAS-P LoadoutWZ BAS-P Loadout
Fennec 45MW2 Fennec 45 LoadoutWZ Fennec 45 Loadout
FSS HurricaneMW2 FSS Hurricane LoadoutWZ FSS Hurricane Loadout
ISO 45MW2 ISO 45 LoadoutWZ ISO 45 Loadout
ISO 9mmMW2 ISO 9mm LoadoutWZ ISO 9mm Loadout
Lachmann ShroudMW2 Lachmann Shroud LoadoutWZ Lachmann Shroud Loadout
Lachmann SubMW2 Lachmann Sub LoadoutWZ Lachmann Sub Loadout
MX9MW2 MX9 LoadoutWZ MX9 Loadout
PDSW-528MW2 PDSW-528 LoadoutWZ PDSW-528 Loadout
Vaznev-9KMW2 Vaznev-9K LoadoutWZ Vaznev-9K Loadout
VEL 46MW2 VEL 46 LoadoutWZ VEL 46 Loadout

MW and WZ Battle Rifle Loadouts

Weapon Loadout and Camo ChallengesMW2 Multiplayer LoadoutWarzone 2 Loadout
Cronen SquallMW2 Cronen Squall LoadoutWZ Cronen Squall Loadout
FTAC ReconMW2 FTAC Recon LoadoutWZ FTAC Recon Loadout
Lachmann-762MW2 Lachmann-762 LoadoutWZ Lachmann-762 Loadout
SO-14MW2 SO-14 LoadoutWZ SO-14 Loadout
TAQ-VMW2 TAQ-V LoadoutWZ TAQ-V Loadout

MW and WZ Marksman Rifle Loadouts

Weapon Loadout and Camo ChallengesMW2 Multiplayer LoadoutWarzone 2 Loadout
CrossbowMW2 Crossbow LoadoutWZ Crossbow Loadout
EBR-14MW2 EBR-14 LoadoutWZ EBR-14 Loadout
LM-SMW2 LM-S LoadoutWZ LM-S Loadout
Lockwood MK2MW2 Lockwood MK2 LoadoutWZ Lockwood MK2 Loadout
SA-B 50MW2 SA-B 50 LoadoutWZ SA-B 50 Loadout
SP-R 208MW2 SP-R 208 LoadoutWZ SP-R 208 Loadout
TAQ-MMW2 TAQ-M LoadoutWZ TAQ-M Loadout
Tempus TorrentMW2 Tempus Torrent LoadoutWZ Tempus Torrent Loadout

MW and WZ Sniper Rifle Loadouts

Weapon Loadout and Camo ChallengesMW2 Multiplayer LoadoutWarzone 2 Loadout
Carrack .300MW2 Carrack .300 LoadoutWZ Carrack .300 Loadout
FJX ImperiumMW2 FJX Imperium LoadoutWZ FJX Imperium Loadout
LA-B 330MW2 LA-B 330 LoadoutWZ LA-B 330 Loadout
MCPR-300MW2 MCPR-300 LoadoutWZ MCPR-300 Loadout
Signal 50MW2 Signal 50 LoadoutWZ Signal 50 Loadout
SP-X 80MW2 SP-X 80 LoadoutWZ SP-X 80 Loadout
Victus XMRMW2 Victus XMR LoadoutWZ Victus XMR Loadout

MW and WZ LMG Loadouts

Weapon Loadout and Camo ChallengesMW2 Multiplayer LoadoutWarzone 2 Loadout
556 IcarusMW2 556 Icarus LoadoutWZ 556 Icarus Loadout
HCR 56MW2 HCR 56 LoadoutWZ HCR 56 Loadout
RPKMW2 RPK LoadoutWZ RPK Loadout
Sakin MG38MW2 Sakin MG38 LoadoutWZ Sakin MG38 Loadout

MW and WZ Shotgun Loadouts

Weapon Loadout and Camo ChallengesMW2 Multiplayer LoadoutWarzone 2 Loadout
Bryson 800MW2 Bryson 800 LoadoutWZ Bryson 800 Loadout
Bryson 890MW2 Bryson 890 LoadoutWZ Bryson 890 Loadout
Expedite 12MW2 Expedite 12 LoadoutWZ Expedite 12 Loadout
KV BroadsideMW2 KV Broadside LoadoutWZ KV Broadside Loadout
Lockwood 300MW2 Lockwood 300 LoadoutWZ Lockwood 300 Loadout
MX GuardianMW2 MX Guardian LoadoutWZ MX Guardian Loadout

MW and WZ Handgun Loadouts

Weapon Loadout and Camo ChallengesMW2 Multiplayer LoadoutWarzone 2 Loadout
.50 GSMW2 .50 GS LoadoutWZ .50 GS Loadout
9mm DaemonMW2 9mm Daemon LoadoutWZ 9mm Daemon Loadout
BasiliskMW2 Basilisk LoadoutWZ Basilisk Loadout
FTAC SiegeMW2 FTAC Siege LoadoutWZ FTAC Siege Loadout
GS MagnaMW2 GS Magna LoadoutWZ GS Magna Loadout
P890MW2 P890 LoadoutWZ P890 Loadout
X12MW2 X12 LoadoutWZ X12 Loadout
X13 AutoMW2 X13 Auto LoadoutWZ X13 Auto Loadout

MW and WZ Launcher Weapons

WeaponWeapon Type

MW and WZ Melee Weapons

WeaponWeapon Type
Combat KnifeMelee
Dual KamasMelee
Dual KodachisMelee
Riot ShieldMelee

Looking to test your Modern Warfare and Warzone loadouts? hosts several daily Warzone tournaments for you to compete in. See which Warzone tournaments are listed today! has one of the largest communities of Warzone players on our mobile app. Download the app today and share your favorite loadouts in the feed to get feedback from other community members. You can share clips to show your custom loadouts in action and find yourself some new followers. While you’re there, try the Team Up feature to form new squads and check out each member’s performance stats.