Valorant Sage Guide: The Best Tips and Tricks for Sage

Get your heals, slows, and walls ready when using Sage. Find out more about the best ways to use her in our Valorant Sage guide.

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Anwell Patdu

Valorant Sage: Key Takeaways

  • Valorant Sage skills: Barrier Orb, Slow Orb, Healing Orb, Resurrection.
  • Use your heals as often as you can.
  • There’s more to Sage than just heals. So make sure to still use your other abilities.

Sage is one of the best Valorant agents if you’re looking to play a more defensive and supportive role. She provides heals, can slow enemies down, and can even bring a dead ally back with her ultimate.

Use our Valorant Sage guide to get better at playing her and protect your team.

Don’t Instantly Use Your Utility When You Hear Noise

A common mistake that most new Valorant Sage players make is using their utilities too fast. Using your Barrier Orb and Slow Orbs once you hear noise barely delays enemy pushes and leaves you without any utility after a few seconds.

The smart thing to do is wait and see if enemies are committing. However, make sure not to place the wall directly in front of charging enemies. You can always place a deeper wall to give it more time to fully form. This may give the enemies a bit more space, but at least it’s harder for them to destroy.

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Try to Use Your Heals for Your Team

Sage is a support agent by nature. This is why most of her abilities are geared toward helping her team succeed. Even though Sage’s heal can also be used on herself, it’s almost always better to use it on allies, aside from a few very specific situations.

Sage’s Healing Orb restores up to 100 HP over 5 seconds for allies. This makes it incredibly strong and helps keep your team in the game. However, it only restores 30 HP over 10 seconds if you use it on your self. Sometimes, you just have to suck it up, ignore the damage, and heal your ally instead.

Look for Aggressive Picks Using Your Wall

Valorant Sage using her wall to boost on B main Ascent
Image via Riot Games.

Sage’s Barrier Orb isn’t only useful at holding enemies off. It’s also one of the best ways to create unique angles and get early picks. Just take a look at Grimm, who has quite literally created a career using unique wall boosts.

So, try to find picks using your wall. Enemies usually won’t expect it, and you might get yourself a free kill or two in the process. The best places to wall boost would be on top of boxes, in elevated areas, ledges, and cheeky corners.

Don’t Be Afraid to Use Your Resurrection

Resurrection is the only ability in the game that can bring back an enemy from the dead. Even though Phoenix’s Run it Back does kind of give you an extra life, it’s still not as valuable as Sage’s revive. This is why many people often end up holding onto it for the entire half, waiting for the right moment to use it.

Although that’s one way to make sure you get incredible value out of Sage’s ultimate, it’s often not ideal because of how long you have to wait. Don’t hold out and wait for the perfect moment. Use Resurrection to secure rounds, gain a numbers advantage, balance a numbers advantage, or even to help your team’s economy.

Best Ways to Effectively Use Sage When Attacking

  • Use your Barrier Orb to help your team get into the site.
  • Use your Barrier Orb to help your team safely plant the Spike.
  • Throw your Slow Orb/s when in common areas that Defenders hold.
  • Use your Slow Orbs to help delay enemy retakes.

Best Ways to Effectively Use Sage When Defending

  • Use your Barrier Orb as cover when defusing the Spike.
  • Use your Barrier Orb to guide your team when retaking.
  • Try to use your Barrier Orb in creative ways instead of walling the same area every round.
  • Use your Barrier Orb and Slow Orbs to delay enemy pushes.