Valorant Gekko Guide: The Best Tips and Tricks

Gekko's creatures may be cute, but they can definitely be deadly. Use the tips and tricks in our Valorant Gekko guide to find out the best way to use him.

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Anwell Patdu

Valorant Gekko: Key Takeaways

  • Valorant Gekko skills: Mosh Pit, Wingman, Dizzy, Thrash.
  • Your goal on Attackers as Gekko: Plant the Spike, use Dizzy to enter sites, and use your utilities to clear corners.
  • Your goal on Defenders as Gekko: Defuse the Spike, use Dizzy to gather early information, and use Mosh Pit to delay pushes.
  • Try to stay alive long enough to use Wingman to plant or defuse.
  • Try your best to always pick up your utilities to reuse them.

Gekko is Valorant’s newest Agent. He has one of the cutest kits in the game, mostly because of his fluffy creatures. His creatures can help him out and can blind, damage, or even plant the Spike.

Make sure to read up because we’ve compiled some of the best tips and tricks that you should use in our Valorant Gekko guide.

You Don’t Always Need to Use Wingman to Plant or Defuse

Gone are the days when Sage and Brim players are always tasked to plant the Spike. That’s Wingman’s job now. However, Wingman isn’t only a planter. You can also use him to chase after enemies and clear corners, similar to Raze’s Boom Bot.

Wingman doesn’t always need to be the primary planter or defuse. He can be useful in a ton of different situations. So don’t get caught up in how cute he plants or defuses. Make sure to always make the right play and sacrifice him if necessary. is a fast-growing online gaming community that allows you to find new friends, earn rewards while playing, and much more. Check it out today.

Throw Dizzy High

Valorant Gekko throwing Dizzy over walls
Image via Riot Games.

A tip for all Valorant Gekko players is to throw Dizzy high. Dizzy will blind anyone within his line of sight. Throwing him high will give him an increased view of the area and can blind more enemies, sometimes even those hiding behind objects.

Throwing Dizzy high will also make him much harder to shoot. If the enemies manage to shoot Dizzy down, you’ll still have an insane advantage when peeking because of how far enemies need to flick from Dizzy back to you. This is a simple yet very valuable Gekko trick.

Gekko Isn’t a Traditional Initiator

Even though Gekko has abilities that can clear corners and blind enemies, you should play him like a traditional Initiator. His role in the game should be very passive, and he should always be looking to support the team instead of trying to get aggressive kills of his own.

Dizzy, Wingman, and Thrash are all reusable if you can pick up the orbs that they drop once used. You wouldn’t be getting the most out of your abilities if you were to die early in the round. So make sure to play passively and stay alive for as long as you can.

Bring Thrash Back Closer to You if You Can’t Detain Enemies

Thrash can be used up to two times each round as long as you pick up the orb that he drops. While Thrash can be a valuable information-gathering tool, you won’t be able to use him a second time if he gets destroyed or his orb gets dropped too deep within enemy lines.

So, make sure to steer Thrash back toward you if you don’t see any enemies nearby. This makes it easier for you to pick him up again and reuse him within the next couple of seconds. This time, you can use him to gather as much information as he can.

Best Ways to Effectively Use Gekko When Attacking

  • Always use Dizzy to gather information first before peeking.
  • Make sure that site is clear before deploying Wingman to plant, or else he might get shot at and drop the Spike in the middle of site.
  • Thrash is a great initiating tool that you can use to get easy kills or as bait for your Duelists.

Best Ways to Effectively Use Gekko When Defending

  • Thrash is a great way to start rounds aggressively if your team wants to push.
  • Try to throw Dizzy outside high windows or spaces to get early information while still being able to collect him again. Ex. the windows on B site Ascent or the gap near art in A site Pearl.
  • Use Wingman’s defuse as bait to force enemies to swing.