Valorant Raze Guide: The Best Tips and Tricks for Raze

Bring your A-game (and the party) with Raze. Read about the best tips and tricks for Raze in our Valorant Raze guide.

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Anwell Patdu

Valorant Raze: Key Takeaways

  • Valorant Raze skills: Boom Bot, Paintshells, Blast Pack, Showstopper.
  • Your goal on Attackers as Raze: Clear areas using Paintshells and Boom Bot, create space for your team, and deal as much damage as you can.
  • Your goal on Defenders as Raze: Delay enemies using your skills and try to get early picks with Boom Bot or Paintshells.
  • Always keep moving and create unique opportunities through your movement.
  • Become a hard target to hit and chip off at enemy health bars.

Raze is definitely one of the more difficult Valorant agents to play. Her skills require you to master mobility, skill usage, and aiming to be effective. However, she provides a lot more than the other Duelists and is one of the few great two-way agents.

Get better at Raze by using the tips and tricks in our Valorant Raze guide.

Always Clear Corners Using Utility

Raze isn’t like other Duelists in Valorant. Raze doesn’t have flashes or vision-blocking abilities to help her get to the site. She mainly relies on damage-dealing skills to force enemies to move and give the site up.

Her Boom Bot and Paintshells are some of the best abilities to clear corners. The Boom Bot chases any enemies that it sees, making it not only a great clearing ability but also a solid information-gathering tool. Her Paintshells can also be thrown in tight spaces to check for enemies. They’ll need to move, or else they’ll die from the nade.

Peek off of your Boom Bot and Paintshells

This next tip goes hand-in-hand with the previous one. Your utility forces enemies to make decisions. They either move or take damage. As a Valorant Raze player, you can use this to your advantage.

After using your utility, hold the angle and see if there are enemies trying to reposition. You can also use your Boom Bot as bait. Enemies are forced to shoot your Boom Bot if they are chased. You can use this time to get the kill on the enemy or to enter the site safely.

Entering the site without having anyone follow up is one of the most annoying things that can happen when playing as Raze. Download the Z League app, where you can register for tournaments, post your highlights, and find teammates using the newly improved LFG feature! More details here!

Use Satchels to Peek or Dodge

Valorant Raze using Blast Packs in the Range
Image via Riot Games.

The Blast Pack is one of the most underutilized abilities by most new Valorant Raze players. Most players just use it to enter the site or whenever their Showstopper is up. However, a creative way to use your satchels is by using them to peek or dodge.

You can throw your Blast Pack onto a wall and pop it when you get close. This results in an extremely fast wide swing that most enemies won’t be expecting. You’re also incredibly hard to hit during this time.

You can also use your satchels to quickly dodge utilities or shots. Simply throw it in the opposite direction you want to go and reactivate it as soon as it’s in the air.

Shotguns and Satchels Can Be a Deadly Combo

It’s quite obvious that Raze has one of the best movement abilities in the game. Her Blast Packs are right up there with the likes of Jett’s Tailwind or Neon’s High Gear. This makes it easy to use Blast Packs to enter sites.

However, rushing in with a rifle in hand isn’t exactly the best idea. When you’re flying up in the air, most weapons aren’t accurate. This is where shotguns come into play. Shotguns cover a wide area and are devastating when used up close.

Satcheling in with a shotgun allows you to use your weapon while you’re still in the air, as long as you’re close enough to enemies. I highly recommend using the Judge if you have the eco for it.

Best Ways to Effectively Use Raze When Attacking

  • Always let your Boom Bot go in first.
  • Always use your Paintshells whenever it’s up.
  • Ask for teammates to smoke or flash for you.
  • Don’t leave your team behind. They can’t move as fast as you do.

Best Ways to Effectively Use Raze When Defending

  • Try to get early information using your Boom Bot.
  • Throw your Paintshells to delay pushes.
  • Aggressively use your Showstopper ultimate to get early picks.
  • Hold high and unique angles by using your Blast Packs.