Valorant Fade Guide: The Best Tips and Tricks

Instill fear in your opponent's hearts using Fade. Find out the best ways to use the Turkish bounty hunter in our Valorant Fade guide.

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Anwell Patdu

Valorant Fade: Key Takeaways

  • Valorant Fade skills: Prowler, Seize, Haunt, Nightfall.
  • Your goal on Attackers as Fade: Find enemies using Haunt, clear corners with Prowler, and take sites using Nightfall.
  • Your goal on Defenders as Fade: Gather early information, delay using Seize, and help your team find enemies during retakes.
  • You can combo your Seize with a ton of your ally’s abilities.
  • Don’t be afraid to communicate with your team and draw up plays centered around your skills.

Fade is the only agent in Valorant that rivals Sova in terms of finding enemies. This makes her a valuable addition to any team and allows her to fit in most team comps with ease. However, some of Fade’s skills can be a bit hard to master.

Use the tips and tricks in our Valorant Fade guide to help you get better at Fade.

Bait Your Prowlers or Your Haunt for Easy Trades

Most players always shoot Fade’s Prowlers or Haunt on vision. You can take advantage of this instinct by getting ready to swing and trade your abilities. Of course, you’ll need to be close for this strategy to work.

You can also ask a teammate to swing and trade for you if you happen to be to far. This trick can get you a ton of easy kills and can lead to an insane outplay clip in clutch situations.

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Throw Your Haunt in High Places to Scan More Areas

Valorant Fade throwing her Haunt on top of a roof in Haven
Image via Riot Games.

Fade’s Haunt reveals anyone in its line of sight. This means that it can be countered by hiding from it. However, making it land on top of high places allows your Haunt to see more of the site and can even reveal enemies hiding behind shorter boxes.

The most common areas to throw your Haunt could be on top of boxes, on elevated floors, and on ledges. However, it can be more effective and harder to shoot if you throw it on top of buildings, roofs, and windows. 

Try to Drop Haunt or Seize Early to Become Unpredictable

Both Haunt and Seize share a similar mechanic: You can drop them early by reactivating them. Reactivating the ability makes them fall faster and earlier than they should.

You can use this mechanic to stay unpredictable with your plays. Most players follow the trajectory of these abilities when they hear them so that they can shoot them as quickly as possible. Dropping them early can throw them off of their aim. You can also reactivate them to ensure that they land where you want them to land.

Try to Combo Your Seize With Your Team’s AOE Abilities

Fade’s Seize deafens, decays, and holds enemies in place. This makes it the perfect ability to stall or delay enemies. However, it can become more powerful if you combine it with other abilities.

Abilities like Raze’s Paintshells or Showstopper, Sova’s Shock Bolt or Hunter’s Fury, and the numerous other damaging abilities in the game are perfect to pair with Seize. Just make sure to communicate with your team to time your skills correctly.

The Best Ways to Effectively Use Fade When Attacking

  • Clear close corners using your Prowler.
  • Always throw Haunt before your team enters the site.
  • Use your Nightfall ultimate to clear the entire site.
  • Let your Duelists entry frag and trade them.

The Best Ways to Effectively Use Fade When Defending

  • Delay enemies with Seize.
  • Gather early information using Prowler or Haunt.
  • Try to get early picks using your Seize + a damaging ability combo.
  • Try to stay alive for retakes.