Lotus: Valorant Map Guide

Riot is starting to enjoy maps with three sites because they just released another one in Lotus. Learn more about it through our Lotus Valorant map guide.

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Anwell Patdu

Lotus Valorant map guide title card

Valorant Lotus: Key Takeaways

  • Lotus was released on January 10, 2023.
  • It’s located in India.
  • Lotus’ main gimmicks are its three sites, a single destructible door, and two rotating doorways.

Time to explore an ancient lost city in the beautiful country of India. It’s called the “City of Flowers” and is a multiverse nexus that may allow Agents to cross into alternate versions of Earth.

Find out more about the mysterious and ancient city through our Valorant map guide.

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Lotus Overview

Lotus Callouts
Image via Riot Games

Lotus is the most recent map that Valorant released. It was introduced at the start of Episode 6, Act 1, on January 10, 2023. It’s set in Western Ghats, Karnataka, India, and features an uncovered ancient city that holds secrets to the multiverse.

Like Haven, the map also has three sites. However, Lotus is significantly smaller, making it relatively easier to defend, but it’s still a tough task to defend three sites, regardless of size. The map also promotes fast-paced gameplay, making it heavily attacker-sided.

It features unique elements found on different parts of the map. There’s a rotating door found on A tree and another in the middle of B and C. There’s also a single destructible door over on A, which directly leads to the B site. Finally, there’s a one-way slope drop found on A.

Common Attacking Strategies

Lotus has three different sites. This gives you a ton of options for attacking. On A site, your best bet is to split between A main and tree. You can also brute force, go four-man A main, and have a single lurker to pinch enemies in.

Over on the B site, there’s really only one entrance. Push through main, then pushing through either A link, C link, or upper would be a great idea to cover a ton of area.

Finally, on C site split up between bend and waterfall. This method allows you to easily clear the entire site and safely plant. Be careful of Operator players from C main and A main, though, since these are the angles that they like to play.

Common Defending Strategies

Defenders will generally have a hard time shuffling through the sites. However, a common setup is 3-1-1 or 2-1-2. It’s good to have three players challenging A main because it’s one of the most common attacking points on the map. You’ll then have a solo player at B and, optimally, a Sentinel at C. 

The 2-1-2 split follows the same dynamic but is better against slower-paced teams. The key to winning while defending on Lotus is flanking and retakes. Obviously, you should still try to do your best to hold the site. 

However, if it’s too much to handle, just back off and wait for your team. You should also always have a flanker on the opposite side of the map, especially since a lot of post-plants on the map involve playing from main.

Best Agents on Lotus

A photo of the Best Agents on Lotus
Image via Riot Games

Here are our top recommended Agents for you to try out.


First up, we have Breach. Breach is by far one of the best Agents for the map. His Fault Line and Flashpoint abilities are just insanely powerful and can allow you to control the general pace of the round. The sites are also small enough for his Rolling Thunder to completely cover them all.


Raze’s Paintshells is one of the best tools for preventing rushes. This makes it quite valuable since Lotus promotes a fast-paced playstyle and has narrow entrances. Her Boom Bot can also help with clearing the close corners found all around the map.


Fade’s Seize can be a potent tool when paired with the likes of a Raze Paintshell or a Breach Fault Line. This holds enemies in place for a long time allowing you to capitalize and get a few kills. At worst, it can at least delay enemies for a couple of seconds. The rest of Fade’s kit also excels on Lotus because of its smaller size.


When a map is tough to defend, Killjoy will probably be one of the best-suited Agents for the job. She can pretty much solo-hold C using her setups. This frees up an extra member of your team and allows for unique pushes and aggressive defenses on a different side of the map.


Finally, we have Harbor. While Lotus can definitely be handled by a smoke-based Controller, using Harbor will just make your life so much easier. His Cascade is handy when pushing the longer angles on A and C main. This helps counter Opers and can safely escort you to the site. His High Tide can also curve to your liking covering more area than any other Controller can.