Valorant Sentinels Guide: How to Win with Sentinels in Valorant

It's time to bring out that lockdown D using your favorite Valorant Sentinel. Find out more about the different Sentinels in our Valorant Sentinels guide.

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Anwell Patdu

Valorant Sentinels Guide: Key Takeaways

  • The Valorant Sentinels are Sage, Cypher, Killjoy, and Chamber.
  • The best Valorant Duelists for beginners are Sage and Killjoy.
  • The most popular Valorant Duelists are Killjoy, Sage, and Cypher.

Sentinels are the defensive specialists in Valorant. The team heavily relies on them to hold sites and prevent enemies from rushing or delaying them, at the very least.

They require a patient and laid-back playstyle that not everyone can fulfill. Learn to become a better Sentinel in our Valorant Sentinel guide.

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What is a Sentinel?

A Sentinel is the team’s defensive anchor. They typically perform a more defensive role where they use their abilities to secure sites and keep enemies away. Most Valorant Sentinels usually have a trap, a slow, some sort of blockage, or an intel-gathering tool.

They thrive on helping their team by providing information about the enemies’ location. They are also the ones tasked to watch flanks when they switch over to the Attacker’s side. They can also help out the team by using their abilities to defend sites during the post-plant.

Who are the Valorant Sentinels?

All Valorant Sentinels
Image via Riot Games

The Sentinels are currently the role with the fewest Agents. There are only four Valorant Sentinels, but Riot has already said that they are definitely looking to add more soon. Let’s take a look at the current Valorant Sentinels and talk about their skills and specific playstyles.


Sage is the perfect Sentinel if you’re looking for a full-on supportive playstyle. She’s a solid Sentinel that is perfect for holding down smaller areas where her wall can completely block the path. 

Sage can also follow up with a Slow Orb or two to further delay enemies. Aside from her defensive capabilities, Sage also has a valuable heal and Resurrection ultimate that can instantly turn the tides of battle. She’s definitely a valuable addition to any team.


Cypher is one of the best Sentinels for players with a lurking or flanking playstyle. Good Cypher players are typically called “rats” because of their ability to sneak around the map and catch you off-guard. He can also lock down sites using his Trapwires and Cyber Cages. He’ll also catch you using his Camera as well.


Killjoy is the ultimate lockdown Sentinel, no pun intended. She’s currently one of the best Valorant Agents right now and can anchor a site with ease. Her Alarmbot, Nanoswarm, and Turret is a deadly combo that makes the life of her enemies insanely hard. Her Lockdown ultimate is also a crazy powerful tool for retaking or for attacking sites.


The final Valorant Sentinel is Chamber. Chamber has a drastically different playstyle than his Sentinel peers. He has a more toned-down kit, only having one trap to hold a site. However, Chamber defends sites by simply killing his enemies. Both his Headhunter and his Tour De Force are technically more powerful versions of the Sheriff and the Operator, respectively.

Chamber can also play a more aggressive role thanks to his Rendezvous, allowing him to teleport over short distances. Overall, Chamber is an excellent Sentinel for you if you have a more aggressive playstyle and great aim.

What is your Role as a Sentinel?

As a Sentinel, your main role is to defend sites. A Duelist excels in Attacking, while a Sentinel excels in Defending. You bring incredible value to a team if you can stop pushes, delay rushes, and even cause rotates. Of course, you can also provide value  by gathering valuable information about the location of your enemies.

A Sentinel is commonly called a “boring” role to play. This is mostly due to all the waiting, sitting back, and only peeking at the right time gameplay that most Sentinels require. It’s not easy being a Sentinel, but it’s a necessary role that not everyone can succeed in.