
Best SO-14 Loadout Warzone 2 (S-Tier): Season 4


The SO-14 is currently an A-Tier weapon in the WZ2 meta. We breakdown our best MX Guardian loadout, build, and provide all the attachment tuning you need to dominate Warzone 2.

Best MX Guardian Loadout Warzone 2 (A-Tier): Season 4


The MX Guardian is currently an A-Tier weapon in the WZ2 meta. We breakdown our best MX Guardian loadout, build, and provide all the attachment tuning you need to dominate Warzone 2.

Modern Warfare 2 Camo Challenges: Ultimate Guide


The complete guide to all Modern Warfare 2 Camo Challenges. See what you need to accomplish to unlock Orion!

8 Best Assault Rifles for Warzone 2


ARs are typically the most popular weapon class for Warzone players. We breakdown each AR to give you a heads up on the latest meta

Warzone 2 Snipers Should Be 1 Shot Headshot: Fans Overwhelmingly Agree


If players had it their way, Warzone 2 Snipers Would be 1 shot Headshot kills. Is this feasible while maintaining balance in the game? Where should the line be drawn between realsim and gaming?

Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 Season 1 Reloaded Release Dates


We unpack the latest dates you should mark related to MW2 and WZ2

CS:GO Weapons Guide: SMGs


Light on the budget but packed with a hefty punch, SMGs are dependable assets for a variety of scenarios.

CS:GO Weapons Guide: Rifles


The heart and soul of Counter-Strike for the last 23 years, rifles are without a doubt the most crucial part of a player's arsenal.

CS:GO Weapons: A Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide


Learning the ins-and-outs of the numerous unique CS:GO Weapons can be daunting especially for new players. This guide breaks each one down to help you take your play to the next level.

Best ISO Hemlock Loadout Warzone 2 (S-Tier): Season 3 #3


The ISO Hemlock is currently an S-Tier weapon in the WZ2 meta. We breakdown our best ISO Hemlock looadout, build, and provide all the attachment tuning you need to dominate Warzone 2.