
Build Philosophy: Smite Healer Builds

Ursine Warrior

Everyone likes a healer, but no one likes to build Smite Healer Builds. And if you want to be an effective support, you simply have to!

Build Philosophy: Smite Cooldown Reduction Builds

Ursine Warrior

Smite Cooldown Reduction Builds are a weird concept as every God can benefit from having their cooldowns reduced. However, certain Gods tend to benefit more from them than others.

Is Smite Pay-to-Win?

Ursine Warrior

Is Smite pay-to-win? That is the age-old question that every free-to-play game gets online. Smite is no exception to that either.

What is God Builder and How to Use it

Ursine Warrior

God Builder is one of the most useful features in Smite, as it lets you create a custom build for each of the Gods before going into battle.

The Fastest Ways to Level Up in Smite

Ursine Warrior

These are the fastest ways to level up in Smite. Leveling up is great, as it unlocks a reward for you each time you level up.

The Best Smite Stat Trackers Ranked

Ursine Warrior

If you’ve ever wanted to see your accomplishments in detail, here are some of the best Smite stat trackers to help you do just that.

Smite Hades Guide: The King of the Underworld

Ursine Warrior

Welcome to our Smite Hades Guide. Hades, the King of the Underworld; with a title like that he’s sure to be a nice fellow, right?

Smite Ao Kuang Guide: Dragon King of the Eastern Seas

Ursine Warrior

Welcome to our Smite Ao Kuang Guide. Ao Kuang, the Dragon King of the Eastern Seas. He’s had a significant glow-up since his rework, arguably for the better.

Smite Cernunnos Guide: The Horned God

Ursine Warrior

Welcome to our Smite Cernunnos Guide. Cernunnos, The Horned God - one of the most ferocious Gods in Celtic mythology, and in Smite actually.

Smite Nike Guide: the Goddess of Victory

Ursine Warrior

Welcome to our Smite Nike Guide. Nike, the Goddess of Victory; with a title like that you just know that she has a lot to bring to the table.