Unfortunate Fall: Why Fortnite Players are Confused About Fall Damage with the Zeus Pin

Why are Fortnite players puzzled by fall damage with the Zeus pin? Dive into their reactions on Reddit!

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players on the subreddit are scratching their heads over an unexpected outcome involving the Zeus pin and fall damage.


  • Players debate whether sprinting was essential for the Zeus pin ability to function as intended.
  • Confusion arises from the visual cues indicating a potential misstep in execution.
  • Some speculate on possible bugs or overlooked mechanics leading to the fall damage.

Player Speculations

“I think you need to sprint for the ability to work,” suggests a Reddit user, highlighting a key aspect of the gameplay mechanics that may have been missed in the moment of action.

Unintended Consequences

“That fall does not look like it was enough to kill you 😭,” another player comments, expressing disbelief at the severity of the outcome.

Bug or Oversight?

“Makes ruling out connection issues very easy. Pretty sure this is a bug,” speculates a Redditor, hinting at a potential game flaw affecting player experiences.