season 16

New Classes confirmed for Apex Legends Season 16


Respawn Entertainment confirms the updates on Remastered Legends Classes that are expected to be released in Season 16 update

All you need to know about the Nemesis – Apex Legends Season 16


Nemesis Burst AR is the best weapon in Apex Legends Season 16 and we want to let you know everything about it

Why is Valkyrie the most picked legend in the Apex Legends Pro Leagues?


Valkyrie has a 95.9% pick rate in the ALGS and this is why

Apex Legends Season 16: What We Know So Far


Apex Legends Season 16 is just around the corner. We unpack the potential changes and release date.

New Apex Legends Matchmaking Algorithm Will Not Address Smurfs


The recently released matchmaking algorithm will not have a meaningful impact on Smurfs, says Apex Legend developer.

New Apex Legends Ballistic: Abilities Leaked


Recent leaks refine latest abilities for Apex Legends Ballistic that is expected to be released in Season 16 update.

Team Deathmatch Confirmed with Apex Legends: Revelry Trailer


Apex Season 16 is finally confirmed with new name: Revelry. We'll be getting the Nemesis as well as Team Deathmatch

Apex Legends Season 16 Meta: Best Guns & Legends in Revelry


Apex Season 16 is here, and we are keeping you up-to-date with the new meta on the best guns, legends, and team comps as they emerge and evolve!

5 Reasons Viewers Dislike the Current Apex Legends Global Series Meta


We’re three weeks into the Apex Legends Global Series, and users have complained about the current spectator experience. Here are 5 reasons viewers dislike the current Apex Legends Global Series Meta