New Apex Legends Matchmaking Algorithm Will Not Address Smurfs

The recently released matchmaking algorithm will not have a meaningful impact on Smurfs, says Apex Legend developer.

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Respawn, the developer for Apex Legends, recently released an article outlining major changes to the Apex Legends matchmaking algorithm to increase it’s sophistication in providing more fair matches in a timely fashion. This prompted some players in the Apex community to ask about whether there would be any impact on Smurfing and players intentionally trying to mask their abilities to find an easier lobby. Here’s what Respawn Technical Director, Samy Duc (@ricklesauceur) had to say:

While the matchmaking algorithm change isn’t tackling the issue of smurfs head on, that’s not to say that it isn’t a separate project or one that’s being carried out by a separate team (perhaps anticheat?).

Samy went on to further opine that it’s difficult to distinguish between strong, natural performers who are ‘rookies’ in low ELO lobies and deliberate smurfs.

If you’re looking for way to enhance your Apex Legends experience then be sure to checkout Z League’s Apex Legends tournaments, where you can participate for free and compete for some great prizes. You can also browse Z League’s Team Up feature to find likeminded players to queue together. You’ll be able to get a look at their historical performance, preferences, and playstyle to help you find the right fit.