Valorant Duelists Guide: How to Play All Duelists in Valorant

Duelists are one of the most fun Agents to play in Valorant. Use our Valorant Duelists guide to learn more about them.

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Anwell Patdu

Valorant Duelists Guide: Key Takeaways

  • The Valorant Duelists are Reyna, Jett, Phoenix, Raze, Neon, and Yoru.
  • The best Valorant Duelists for beginners are Reyna and Phoenix.
  • The most popular Valorant Duelists are Jett, Reyna, and Raze.

Valorant Duelists are some of the most flashy and fun Agents in the game. They can completely take over a match and can easily get you wins. However, being a Duelist isn’t all about the kills.

Find out more about how you should play Duelists using our Valorant Duelist guide.

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What is a Duelist?

A Duelist is one of the four roles in Valorant. Their kits are centered on taking battles and coming out on top. They are primarily responsible for entering the site, taking space, clearing corners, and engaging the enemies.

Usually, Duelists are the first ones on the site. They typically have mobility, flashes, temporary vision blockers, or damaging abilities. They are expected to deal the most damage and to get kills. 

Who are the Valorant Duelists?

All Valorant Duelists
Image via Riot Games

There are currently six Valorant Duelists. Each of them has a unique skill set and requires different types of playstyles to be successful. Let’s take a quick look at each Valorant Duelist.


Jett is one of the most mobile Agents in the game. She typically requires a fast-paced playstyle because she succeeds at dashing into enemy lines and getting those kills. She’s also the best Operator Agents in the game because of her ability to quickly reposition using her Tailwind.


Phoenix is one of the more flexible Duelists in Valorant. He’s good at a ton of things but not necessarily the best at any of them. He has flashes, can heal himself, has a wall, and an amazing ultimate that basically gives him two lives. He’s definitely one of the more forgiving Agents to play, mostly because of his heals.


Reyna is one of the easiest Valorant Agents to play. She has a very self-sufficient kit that allows her to heal, reposition, and she even has a blind. She does heavily rely on having a good aim, though, because most of her abilities can only be used after getting a kill. This makes her a solid choice if you have an aggressive playstyle.


Raze is perfect for players who prefer having power on both the Attacker’s and Defender’s side of the map. She’s also great at people who have good mechanical control to help unlock her insane mobility. All of Raze’s abilities deal some sort of damage, making her great at pushing enemies back.


Yoru is one of the hardest Agents to use but is also one of the most satisfying ones. His entire playstyle revolves around deceiving the enemy team and always keeping them on their toes. A good Yoru main will always keep the enemy team guessing. He’s also great at lurking or flanking, so if that’s more of your style, you might want to try Yoru out.


The final Duelist in Valorant is Neon. Like Jett, Neon has a fast-paced playstyle. Jett will kill you through vertical mobility, and Neon will kill you before you even know what hit you. She can run through enemy defense lines using her kit. If speed is your game, Neon is your main.

What’s your Role as a Duelist?

As a Duelist your main role is to create space for your team. You can achieve this by entry fragging or by lurking. For the most part, it’s your responsibility to clear corners, check the site, and get first bloods. This ensures that your team can safely enter and plant the Spike.

Most Duelists are self-sufficient and have enough in their kits to come out on top in 1v1 duels. You have to be aggressive and find engagements that will lead your team to win the round. 

Of course, you can always ask for help from your team. However, you should be leading the charge and aren’t baiting them for easy kills.