Ultimate Guide to Preparing for Bellenoir Libero in Palworld

Discover strategies and tips to face the challenging end-game raid boss, Libero, in Palworld. Are you ready to take on this epic battle?

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld subreddit users are buzzing about the intense challenge presented by the end-game raid boss, Libero. A player seeks advice on how to prepare for this formidable foe.


  • Strategic team composition is crucial for defeating Bellenoir Libero.
  • Players recommend breeding and training powerful pals to enhance combat efficiency against the raid boss.
  • Food boosts and weapon choice play a significant role in maximizing your team’s potential.

Strategic Team Composition

Players emphasize the importance of pal composition, suggesting a mix of leveling, star rating, and specific abilities. Using pals like Astegon and Jetragons with diverse attacks can help in different phases of the battle.

Breeding and Training

Experienced players recommend breeding at least 1,000 Jetragons and creating a 4-star army for optimal performance. Training your pals with specific builds and skill sets can give you an edge in combat.

Food Boosts and Weapon Selection

Food items such as Mozza Cheeseburgers are popular choices for their stat boosts and hunger management during prolonged battles. Players also recommend weapons like the AR and rocket launcher for effective damage output.

In the challenging world of Palworld, preparation is key to facing formidable foes like Bellenoir Libero. By following the advice of seasoned players and fine-tuning your team’s composition, you can increase your chances of emerging victorious in the ultimate showdown.