Reyna in Pro Play: How PRX is Using Her

Reyna isn’t exactly built with teamplay in mind. However, PRX found a way to make Reyna in pro play viable. So let’s look at how Paper Rex is using Reyna.

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Anwell Patdu

How PRX is using reyna in pro play title card

Reyna in Pro Play: Key Takeaways

  • Reyna had a 1% pick rate in VCT Masters Tokyo.
  • Reyna has a 9.3% pick rate across all competitive games.
  • PRX usually picks Reyna on Bind or Ascent.

Reyna in pro play is something that most won’t be expecting when watching international Valorant tournaments. She can be a beast when played by an excellent player, but at that level, almost everyone is within the same skill range, making her quite useless.

Paper Rex is known for their aggressive playstyle and unique strategies. One of those strategies is focused on using Reyna in pro play and making her an effective team player. Let’s dissect exactly how PRX is using Reyna in pro play.

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Reyna as an Agent

An image of Reyna in Valorant
Image via Riot Games

Reyna is a powerful Agent when placed in the right hands. She can completely destroy a lobby if you can properly utilize her abilities and complement them with great aim. Smurfs often use her because of her insane one-woman team potential.

She can set herself up through her Leer and blind enemies before she enters sites. She can also get herself to safety by using Dismiss after getting kills. Reyna can also remain fully healthy after fights by using her Devour. Finally, her Empress basically turns her into a full-on raid boss.

Early on, Reyna was actually quite popular because pro teams didn’t have that many strategies yet or team play. However, as the Valorant meta in pro play progressed, Reyna became less and less used.

Overall, she isn’t as powerful in pro play. Professional Valorant today is primarily focused on team play and combining abilities to win. Reyna is more of a selfish Agent and can’t help her team that much. This is why she has very low pick rates in pro play.

How Paper Rex is Using Reyna in Pro Play

A photo of the PRX team.
Image via Riot Games

Reyna’s Dismiss and Devour are still kill-dependent, and Paper Rex can’t change how she can use those in-game. The best thing they can do is put Reyna on one of their best aimers, like Jinggg or something. This way, she can utilize her Dismiss and Devour more in-game.

And that’s exactly what they did. All of their games consisting of Reyna in their team comp has something using the agent. He played extremely well on the agent and typically top frags, which is something we should all expect from a Reyna, when he plays her.

However, that isn’t the whole story. Paper Rex makes use of Reyna’s unique blind mechanic, where it can’t be dodged by turning around. You can only destroy it. On its own, Leer isn’t actually that bad. It distracts your opponents for a while and allows you to capitalize on them while they are still shooting the eye or while they are still blinded.

And that specific mechanic is what makes Reyna in pro play work for PRX. They combine it with a traditional flash agent that pops and needs to be dodged by turning around. This can be anything from Phoenix’s Curveball to Skye’s Guiding Light and KAY/O’s FLASH/drive, among plenty of others.

This then creates a huge dilemma for enemies facing the flashes. They either turn around to dodge the traditional flash or shoot Reyna’s Leer. They can’t do both. This ensures that there’s a window where enemies are blinded no matter what they choose to do.

Their only option at this point is to run away and hope to survive. This is a very effective tactic, and Paper Rex has even started using it with Gekko in the latest VCT Masters Tokyo 2023 event. It’s definitely exciting to see what other tricks Paper Rex has up their sleeves.