
Apex Legends Tips and Tricks Every Beginner Should Know

Ursine Warrior

If you’re new to the game, you should learn these Apex Legends tips and tricks as soon as possible. They’re the first step on your way to becoming a master.

League of Legends Characters


It's difficult to choose from over 160 champions when you're just starting out. We've got you covered with a handful of beginner friendly champions

Riots New, But Underutilized Ping System: Should You Use It?

Aos Síth

Are the new pings useful or are the old ones sufficient for everything a League player wants to communicate?

Crucial Hotkeys Everyone Should Know in League of Legends

Aos Síth

In League of Legends there are ‘hidden’ hotkeys that can advance your gameplay by making actions much easier or more consistent to perform. 

Core Macro Concepts in League of Legends

Aos Síth

Since League of Legends is almost 15 years old now, its community has developed League-specific concepts that may be hard to understand for new players.

Understanding Counter Picks in League of Legends

Aos Síth

There are several types of counter picks in League, most players just pick characters that can kill the opponent, but there is so much more to it than that.

Best Dragons and Souls in League of Legends

Aos Síth

The current meta in League of Legends is heavily based around dragons and subsequently the soul, but not all dragons are born equal.

How to Climb in League of Legends Solo Queue

Aos Síth

At some point, we’ve all felt that we have been stuck in ELO hell and that everything goes against us in our climb. However, most people don’t actually think about how to climb and instead grind out their time committing the same mistakes, over and over again.

Warding Guide: How To Ward Over Walls In League of Legends

Aos Síth

In League of Legends warding over walls is a bit wonky, this leads to there being special warding spots that are incredibly useful, but hard to know about.

How to Classify Champions in League of Legends

Aos Síth

How you classify champions affects how you see said champion. It is therefor important to categorize them the correct way.