League of Legends Characters

It's difficult to choose from over 160 champions when you're just starting out. We've got you covered with a handful of beginner friendly champions

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There are a lot of different characters (referred to as Champions) in League of Legends, and it can be tough to keep track of them all. That’s why we’ve put together this handy guide. Here you’ll find information on all the different types of champions, their difficulty ratings, and how to play them effectively.

We’ll also touch on the different lanes and roles that characters can fill. To help you get started, we’ve put together a guide to some of the most popular and powerful characters in League of Legends.

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Some of our favorite top-rated characters are listed below:


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Garen – A versatile fighter who excels in close combat, Garen is a strong choice for any player looking to take down enemies quickly. He is particularly effective against tanks and other front-line fighters.


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Shaco – A devious character whose illusions can confound even the most experienced opponents, Shaco is a fearsome presence in any jungle match-up. He excels at ambushing enemies and catching them off guard.


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Ahri – A nimble and cunning fox spirit, Ahri is a powerful magic user who can easily take down opponents with her Charm ability. She is particularly effective against slower, more methodical opponents who tend to underestimate her speed and agility.


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Vayne – An incredibly mobile marksman, Vayne is capable of dealing massive amounts of damage with her Tumble ability. She excels at chasing down enemies and finishing them off quickly.


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Janna – A gifted wind mage, Janna is capable of shielding her allies from harm and manipulating the battlefield with her powerful tornado summon ability. She is an essential member of any team that wants to stay safe and keep enemies at bay.

Classes of Champions

Champions are the playable characters in League of Legends. Each one has a unique set of skills and abilities that make them viable in different ways. There are five main classes of champions: Tanks, Melee, Fighters, Mages, and Marksmen.


Marksmen are the quintessential carry role. They’re physical damage dealers that deal large amounts of single-target damage, and they scale extremely well into the late game. They’re relatively fragile, however, so they have to play carefully and position themselves well in order to be effective.

There are a few different subtypes of marksmen:

ADCs (Attack Damage Carries) are the most common type of marksman. They’re designed to deal as much damage as possible, and they scale extremely well with items.

Critterz: They are another type of marksman that rely on critically striking their opponents for massive damage. They tend to be less consistent than ADC’s, but their potential damage is much higher.

Burst ADCs: They are a hybrid of the two previous types. They deal a mix of damage types, and their kit usually includes some form of burst damage.

Marksmen: They are typically played in the bottom lane with a support. The duo will try to farm up as much as possible in order to buy items and scale into the late game, where they can take over the match.


Tanks are champions that excel at soaking up damage and protecting their teammates. They have high health pools and resistances, which allows them to absorb a lot of punishment. They’re not typically very damaging, but their main purpose is to disrupt enemies and create space for their teammates.

There are a few different subtypes of tanks:

Frontline tanks are the type of tank that you’ll see at the front of a team fight, initiating and drawing fire away from their teammates. They typically have a lot of crowd control abilities to help control the enemy team.

Jungle tanks are more mobile than frontline tanks, and they tend to have better ganking potential. They’re still fairly tanky, but their main objective is to roam around the map and assist their teammates in getting kills.

Tanks are typically played in the top lane or jungle. Their job is to soak up damage and create space for their teammates, rather than trying to get kills themselves.


Mages are champions that deal massive amounts of magical damage. They have a variety of abilities that can deal single-target or AOE damage, and they scale extremely well with items. They’re relatively fragile, however, so they have to play carefully and position themselves well in order to be effective.

Type of mages include:

Burst mages are designed to deal a massive amount of damage in a short period of time. Their kit usually includes some form of crowd control, which allows them to easily take down opponents.

Control mages are the polar opposite of burst mages. They don’t deal as much damage, but their kit is designed to disrupt and control enemies. This can be useful for setting up kills for their teammates or zoning enemies out of fights.

Mages are typically played in the mid-lane, where they can farm up and scale into the late game. They usually don’t have much kill potential early on, but they can easily take over a match if left unchecked.


Assassins are champions that excel at taking down specific targets. They’re extremely mobile and deal a lot of single-target damage, but they’re very fragile and tend to disappear quickly if focused. Their main objective is to pick off isolated enemies or jump into team fights and take down high-priority targets.

Assassins has the following subtypes:

Burst assassins are designed to deal a massive amount of damage in a short period of time. Their kit usually includes some form of crowd control, which allows them to easily take down opponents.

Duelists are another type of assassin that excels in one-on-one fights. They tend to be very mobile and have a lot of self-sustaining abilities, which allows them to stay in fights for long periods of time.


Supports are champions that excel at buffing and protecting their teammates. They don’t deal very much damage, but they have a variety of abilities that can help their team in a variety of ways. They’re typically very tanky, which allows them to survive in the midst of a team fight.

Support has the following categories;

Enchanters : They are designed to buff their teammates and help them survive in fights. Their kit usually includes some form of healing or shielding, which can be extremely helpful for squishy teammates.

Disruptors : They are another type of support that excels at crowd control. Their kit is designed to disrupt enemies and make it difficult for them to fight back. This can be useful for setting up kills for their teammates or zoning enemies out of fights.

Supports are typically played in the bottom lane with an ADC. Their job is to protect their ADC and help them farm up in the early game. In the late game, they’ll typically be responsible for initiating team fights and using their abilities to disrupt and control enemies.

Difficulty Ratings

Now that you know the different types of champions, let’s take a look at their difficulty ratings. Champions are rated on a scale from one to five, with five being the most difficult. Tanks and Fighters are generally considered to be easy champions, while Mages and Marksmen are more difficult.

How to Play The Games

Tanks: As a tank, your job is to initiate fights and soak up damage for your team. You want to get in the middle of the action and disrupt the enemy team’s plans. Your ultimate goal is to protect your teammates and help them take down the enemy nexus.

Fighters: As a fighter, your job is to deal damage and take down enemies. You want to get in their face and make them feel the pain. Your main goal is to destroy the enemy nexus.

Mages: As a mage, your job is to deal damage with powerful spells and abilities. You want to keep your distance from the enemy and pick them off  with your spells. Your focus  is to destroy the enemy nexus.

Marksmen: As a marksman, your main task is to deal physical damage with basic attacks. You want to keep your distance from the enemy and pick them off with your shots. Your ultimate goal is to destroy the enemy nexus.

Start Playing Now!

Now that you know the basics of each role, it’s time to start playing! Z League offers a variety of tournaments for all skill levels, so you’re sure to find one that’s perfect for you. And with our skill-based matchmaking system, you’ll always be matched up with opponents of similar skill. So what are you waiting for? Start your journey to becoming a pro today!