Apex Legends Tips and Tricks Every Beginner Should Know

If you’re new to the game, you should learn these Apex Legends tips and tricks as soon as possible. They’re the first step on your way to becoming a master.

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Ursine Warrior

Apex Legends isn’t the most beginner-friendly game out there (I learned this the hard way). But, with the Apex Legends tips and tricks we’ll be learning today, you should be on your way to becoming a pro in no time. 

Tips and Tricks Every Apex Legends Player Should Know

Usually, more experienced players will tell you. “Help out your teammates.” or, “Use the pings.” And while there is merit in this advice, it’s something that most people pick up over time. Instead, we’ll be looking at things that aren’t as obvious if you’re just starting out with the game. 

Don’t Drop in the Hot Zone (Unless You Want to Suffer) 

We know, it’s tempting. Big blue circle on the map… What’s the worst that could happen?

Image via In-Game Screenshot

Everything! Nothing good ever happens in the hot zone… Ever. 

After the first few times you drop in the hot zone in Apex Legends, you realize why most players don’t bother dropping there. The risk is not worth the reward. Your chances of getting killed are high, and the loot that can be found there, you can easily find 5 minutes later scattered across the map. 

Play With More Experienced Friends

This is the best way to get better at Apex Legends — iron sharpens iron!

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Image via In-Game Screenshot

There’s only one issue when it comes to playing with friends. Sometimes, they’re just not available. So what do you do then? I got you covered. Z League’s Team Up helps you with just that. Finding new friends to play Apex with is as easy as apple pie. 

Knowledge is an essential part of developing your skills, in that regard, Apex Legends is no different than any other game. Take the time and learn from the masters. Watch a stream, read a guide, and most importantly – play the game! Try out what works and what doesn’t.

Speaking about what works and what doesn’t.

Try out Weapons in the Firing Range

Unlike other shooters like Valorant or CS: GO. Apex doesn’t give you the luxury of specialization.

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Image via In-Game Screenshot

You have to develop your skills with every weapon in Apex Legends if you really want to become a “Legend”… see what I did there?

But as I said earlier. Unlike many other shooters, you cannot choose your loadout at the beginning (unless you’re playing Arena), so it isn’t practical to just practice with one weapon only. You have to practice with every weapon in the game because you never know what you will find on your next drop. 

Another thing you should probably do is experiment with loadouts. Have a weapon that’s good at middle to long-range combat and a weapon that’s good for close-quarters combat. Or, be hyper-aggressive and have two weapons that are good for close-quarters combat, when one runs dry, switch to the other and continue blasting! 

Have a Strong Team Composition

While you can probably get away with having a sub-optimal team comp, the added utility of being well-balanced is always desirable.

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Image via In-Game Screenshot

The more variety you have in your team composition the better. Say you have a team comprised of Bloodhound, Seer, and Crypto. To that, I’ll ask you: why? Is visibility and map awareness really that important to you? Ask yourself. Wouldn’t it be more beneficial if you swapped out for some other legends, like a Lifeline or a Newcastle perhaps? Putting all of your eggs in the same basket is just about the silliest thing you can do in Apex Legends.

The smart thing to do is to have legends that can cover several roles and provide the most utility. In the end, your team composition should reflect the playstyle you want to employ during the match. Do you want to be more aggressive? More defensive? Do you want to have a lot of mobility? Coordinate with your teammates accordingly.

Use Voice Comms

Apex handily has voice chat included, a luxury that many games do not have. This is as simple as Apex Legends Tips and Tricks get. As a beginner, you should make it a habit to use voice chat. Pings can only take you so far, but verbal communication can take you much further. You need strong verbal communication to quickly and accurately make callouts to your team. Do you see an enemy? Maybe you’ve spotted an item that one of your teammates needs. Or maybe you want to make predictions about what season 16 will bring to Apex Legends?  Whatever it may be, make it a habit to use voice comms in game.