Why Shadowheart’s Hair Change in Baldur’s Gate 3 Has Players Buzzing

Discover why players are relating to Shadowheart's emotional hair transformation in Baldur's Gate 3!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Baldur’s Gate, Shadowheart’s decision to cut and dye her hair is causing a stir among players. Let’s dive into the discussion!


  • Players find Shadowheart’s emotional response relatable and endearing.
  • The character’s decision to change her appearance after emotional trauma resonates with many.
  • Some players appreciate the realism of using personal expression as a coping mechanism.

Player Reactions

AngelJ5 shared a personal connection, stating, “TIL that I (30M) am also one of the girlies.”

WalkerBuldog praised the character’s growth, saying, “Recently you helped me a lot more than my faith. Thank you.”

Fashionable Opinions

Bonzi_Bukkake expressed support for Shadowheart’s choice, disagreeing with Astarion, and complimented her hair.

MelodyMoonx, though not having experienced it in-game yet, found Shadowheart’s transformation relatable.

Relatable Reactions

Obsyden humorously commented, “New hair new me 😌,” echoing the sentiment of change and self-discovery.

plasticinaymanjar shared a personal anecdote, highlighting the relatability of stress-induced hair changes.