Smite Beginner Tips and Tricks

If you’re new to Smite then these Smite beginner tips and tricks will go a long way in making you a better Smite player.

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Ursine Warrior

Key Takeaways for Smite Beginners Tips and Tricks

  • Learn the different classes one by one
  • Learn the VGS (Voice Guided System) so that you can easily navigate it
  • Turn off auto-purchase
  • Use God Builder to learn the different items
  • Learn from more experienced players

Each and every one of us has been a beginner to Smite at one point or another, by learning these Smite beginner tips and tricks, you’ll be better prepared to face the enemy Gods on the battlefield.

Everyone probably already knows the basic advice. “Learn the map”, “Learn the basic controls”, “Practice against bots first”, etc. While that’s sound advice, it’s something that everyone picks up just by playing the game. The tricks we’ll be taking a look at today are habits and skills that every aspiring pro-Smite player should know, as they’ll make your life a hell of a lot easier.

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Learn the Classes One by One

Smite Beginner Tips and Tricks Gods

There are quite literally hundreds of Gods to choose from in Smite. It’s easy to get bogged down when there’s so much to choose from. Each class has its unique role, so learn them one by one. One of the best Smite beginner tips and tricks I can give you is the following: pick out a few Gods that you enjoy from each class and play with them until you get a hang of the class. 

Warriors are the bruisers of Smite. They’re great for engaging fights and enjoy staying in the thick of things. For as long as possible. Most warriors are also innately tanky, so building on that strength is encouraged, rather than going for a build that stacks Physical Power only.

Mages are the magical DPS class of Smite. They can either be offensively oriented, or defensively oriented, which is why they are one of the hardest classes to play in Smite. There’s so much variety between them that it’s hard to define them with a single sentence.

Guardians are the tanks of Smite. Unlike the other classes, they enjoy getting punched in the face. You can play them with a Power build in mind, but they really don’t shine as damage dealers.

Assassins are the Junglers/Melee Carry of Smite. They have abilities that make them excellent for engaging in fights and dealing a lot of damage in a short amount of time. In other words, they’re glass cannons. 

Hunters are practically the same as Assassins but ranged instead of melee.

Learn the VGS (Voice Guided System)

The VGS or Voice Guided System is a bunch of pre-recorded voice clips that are extremely useful for portraying a simple message to your teammates. To activate VGS, simply press the V key, which is its default key. 

VGS is great for issuing a quick statement without having to type it in. Instead of writing in chat “An enemy is missing from my lane”, you can simply press the V key, followed by the F key, and select the number for your lane. 

This is also useful for coordinating activities with your team. Instead of having to write long-winded chats, you can simply use VGS.

Turn Auto-Purchase Off

Auto Purchase

When you first download Smite, auto-purchase will be on automatically. This tripped me out greatly in my first match of Smite as I wasn’t able to figure out why I wasn’t able to buy any items in the store. 

To get a better understanding of a specific God’s skills and what the different items do, you have to turn off auto-purchase. To do this, simply hit the escape button while you’re in the main menu and click on the Guides tab. Once that’s open, simply uncheck the Auto Skill Level Up and Auto Purchase Items boxes.

Use God Builder to Learn the Items

God Builder

God Builder is an incredibly useful feature for learning the different items in Smite and what they do. You’re not being rushed by the timer, and you don’t have any teammates yelling at you to get out of spawn.

Not only do you have access to all the items available for your God with God Builder, but you can also create a custom build for them before heading into a match. That way, instead of having to search for each item individually, you can follow the pre-built plan in God Builder.

Watch More Experienced Players Play the Game

Smite Streamers

Simply put, this is one of the best Smite beginner tips and tricks. Each and every one of us can learn by example. And it’s best to take the examples of more experienced players and implement them within our play style.

Both YouTube and Twitch are excellent places to do this, as content creators are almost always coming up with something new and educational. You’re still going to have to learn by trial and error though. Practice makes perfect!