Mechabellum Steel Ball Guide

Welcome to our Mechabellum Steel Ball Guide. Compared to some of its brethren, “Steel Ball” doesn’t sound that imposing, however, they’re actually quite a formidable unit.

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Ursine Warrior

Mechabellum Steel Ball Guide

Mechabellum has a lot of cool-sounding units, sadly, Steel Ball is not one of them. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with this unit. In actuality, it’s actually a pretty good unit, quite versatile even. However, its name leaves something to be desired.

You have the mighty Fortress, an imposing gargant that tramples over everything on the battlefield. It’s a unit that evokes fear just by mentioning its name… And then there’s the Steel Ball. The only thing this unit evokes is an immature sense of humor.

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Key Takeaways for Mechabellum Steel Ball Guide

  • Steel Ball is a cost-effective unit for taking out high-Health enemies
  • Steel Balls are constantly associated with Melting Point, which is why they’ve earned the name of “Mini-Melting Points”
  • Steel Ball can only attack ground targets, which is why you need to constantly support it with other units that can deal with air threats. 

The Steel Ball and its Upgrades

Mechabellum Steel Ball Guide

Steel Ball is practically a mini-Melting Point. Its main attack is a laser beam that progressively gets stronger as the unit attacks. Unlike Melting Points, however, Steel Balls are quite fast. Some of the fastest units in the game actually. Use that feature to your advantage! 

Energy Absorption is the first tech upgrade available to Steel Ball. It increases the maximum HP of the unit and gives your Steel Balls “lifesteal” whenever they attack an enemy. Melting Point also gets this upgrade, hence the “Mini-Melting Point” nickname.

Damage Sharing basically “chains” your Steel Balls together. If one of the models takes any amount of damage, that damage is distributed throughout the entire unit. This upgrade also greatly increases the unit’s total Health Points. 

Range Enhancement is pretty self-explanatory. It increases the maximum Attack Range of the unit. Something that’s quite essential considering how short the unupgraded attack range is.

Mechanical Division is an interesting upgrade. Whenever one of your Steel Balls is destroyed, it spawns 7 Crawlers that will continue the fight for it.

Armor Enhancement reduces the damage the unit takes by 60 points. This upgrade stacks with subsequent level-ups.

Heavy Target is the final tech upgrade for the Steel Ball. It decreases the Attack Range of the unit, however, it also alters its attack behavior. After getting this upgrade, your units will always prioritize the enemy with the highest Health Pool. 

The Strengths of the Steel Ball and How You Should Use It


Steel Balls should be primarily used to focus down Squad and Single-Entity units. They’re not completely useless against mobs, compared to some other units, however, that really isn’t what they were designed for.

Sledgehammers are a particularly attractive target for your Balls. They’re slow, have high health, and take a while to destroy other Squad and Single-Entity units. Another unit that you should target with Steel Ball is Stormcallers. However, these might prove a bit more difficult to reach as they’re usually kept at the back of the formation. 

The Weaknesses of Steel Ball and What You Should Avoid


Steel Balls have one major weakness that gets them killed a majority of the time – air units! Air units are the bane of Steel Balls, it only takes a single unit of Wasps to disrupt your entire formation. 

That is why it isn’t recommended to use Steel Balls as a cornerstone unit. Instead, use them as a situational response unit. They’re a cost-effective tool for taking out high-Health enemies but nothing more.

It’s also necessary to support them with other units, particularly, units that can take out large groups of mobs, as Steel Balls tend to suffer against mobs. This weakness is kind of silly. You’d think that they’d be able to just roll over the puny mobs, but hey!