Apex Legends Bloodhound Guide: Best Tips and Tricks for Playing as Bloodhound

Use the tips and tricks in our Apex Legends Bloodhound guide to become the ultimate hunter and establish your dominance in the game.

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Anwell Patdu

Bloodhound is the original “wall hacks” Legend that fits any team comp and is also one of the best legends for beginners. This makes him an amazing pick for your ranked games.

Maximize your skills by using the tips and tricks in our Apex Legends Bloodhound guide.

Scanning at the Right Time

One of the most important tips for new Apex Legends Bloodhound players is to scan at the right time. While it can be tempting to spam your tactical ability, it’s an essential tool that can easily win you fights.

The best times to scan are when you’re entering a new area, checking for third parties after you’ve downed a team, and, obviously, during battle. Don’t waste your scans when you’re simply running out in the open.

While actively scanning is an important part of being a good Bloodhound, knowing when to scan will turn you into a better Apex Legends Bloodhound player.

Smoke Hacks

In Apex Legends, Bloodhound and Bangalore were among the first top-tier combos. The two legends have insane synergy and can feel like cheating the enemy team at times. Bangalore’s smokes provide great cover for Bloodhound to use his Eye of the Allfather tactical. Make sure to communicate and use your abilities together, if there’s a Bangalore on your team.

You can also turn around and use an enemy Bangalore’s smokes against their team. Using your tactical at the right time can pretty much make their smokes useless. If they don’t have a Seer or Bloodhound on their team, their smokes can actually easily work in your favor.

The Ultimate Escape

Apex Legends Bloodhound using beast of the hunt
Image via Respawn Entertainment.

It’s no secret that Beast of the Hunt is a very powerful ultimate that can be used to initiate and change the odds in your favor. However, what truly makes an Apex Legends Bloodhound player great, is knowing how to use Beast of the Hunt as a way to disengage and retreat.

Beast of the Hunt grants you a 30% speed boost, which is among the largest speed boosts you can get. This makes it an ideal escaping tool whenever you’re in a tight pinch. Don’t mind that you’re “wasting” your ultimate just to escape. Remember, it’s better to get away now and get your revenge later.

Eye to Initiate

Eye of the Allfather is an extremely powerful tool that you can use in a variety of ways. One of those ways should be to initiate and start fights. Knowing where the enemies are is already a huge advantage for your team and can single handedly be the reason why you come up on top.

However, you should always use the Eye of the Allfather after activating Beast of the Hunt. This allows you to scan your white ravens during the fight and refund the tactical charge while also giving you 25% towards your ultimate charge. Any Apex Legends Bloodhound main should be doing this as second nature.

Don’t Overextend

It can be easy to get lost and get aggressive because of the power that your ultimate gives you. However, you should always remember that you can’t 1v3 every fight. It’s a team game, after all. Be mindful of where you are with respect to your teammates, and don’t go in alone.

Weapon Choice is Key

Choosing the right weapon can determine how good of an Apex Legends Bloodhound player you can be. You need to know what weapons complement your kit well. Using long-range snipers like the Triple Take or the G7 Scout won’t benefit Bloodhound’s skills. It’s better to play up close, especially when you have your ultimate up. This means using shotguns, rifles, or SMGs.

Lead the Hunt

Our final tip in our Apex Legends Bloodhound guide is to become the leader. Bloodhound is a great mix between an intel-gathering and an aggressive Legend. This puts you in a great position to lead the team using the information you gather and your ability to initiate fights.

Make sure to actively communicate with your team and lead the hunt yourself.

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