The 5 Best Legends for Beginners in Apex Legends

It can be daunting for newbies to pick a character from Apex Legends' ever-growing roster. We're here to help with the 5 best Legends for beginners in Apex Legends.

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Anwell Patdu

Apex Legends is home to a selection of Legends, each with unique abilities that can help you in-game. The large roster of Legends can be very intimidating for beginners. We’ve chosen the 5 best Legends for beginners in Apex Legends to help you out.

1. Lifeline

Lifeline sitting on her drone.
Image via Respawn Entertainment.

Lifeline is one of the best Legends for beginners in Apex Legends. She brings a lot to the table and is very hard to mess up. Even if you don’t have that good of an aim, you can still provide support to your team by using your D.O.C. Heal Drone. Your drone automatically heals allies close to it over 20 seconds.

Once your Care Package ultimate ability is up, your team will love you even more. From the name itself, you can already guess that it drops a Care Package to your chosen location. It contains an Evo Shield, Helmet, or Knockdown Shield, some healing items, and weapon attachments.

Lifeline also has a useful Combat Revive passive ability where her D.O.C. Drone can be deployed to auto-revive downed allies. Lifeline makes sense for beginners because of her ability to provide support to her team with the press of a single button.

2. Gibraltar

Gibraltar raising his shield.
Image via Respawn Entertainment.

Gibraltar is another Legend that belongs to the Support class in Apex Legends. His Dome of Protection ability provides a large shield for your allies, blocking any incoming attacks. It can be used to provide some instant cover and create a ceasefire.

He also has an area of effect Defensive Bombardment ultimate that sends a mortar strike to your selected area. This deals damage to all players and can be game-changing when used correctly.

Finally, Gibraltar’s passive is Gun Shield. This automatically deploys a shield that blocks incoming fire whenever you’re using ADS. This ability helps lessen incoming damage, which is why he’s one of the best Legends for beginners in Apex Legends.

3. Bloodhound

Bloodhound petting his crow.
Image via Respawn Entertainment.

Bloodhound is one of the best Legends for beginners in Apex Legends for players looking to provide intel rather than heals and shields. His primal instincts help him become a great tracker that reveals enemies, traps, and clues using the Eye of the Allfather ability.

His Tracker passive also gives information about enemy movements by showing different icons. This includes footprints, zipline usage, vaulting, opening loot bins, and ability usage, among others. These icons last for 90 seconds.

Finally, Bloodhound transforms into the ultimate hunter with Beast of the Hunt. When activated, his speed is increased, enemies are highlighted red, and allows you to see cold tracks better.

4. Octane

Octane celebrating.
Image via Respawn Entertainment.

Octane is perfect for more aggressive players with a fast playstyle. He takes “gotta go fast” to a whole new level with Stim, which increases his walk speed and sprint speed by 30% and 40%, respectively. It does cost him 20 health, though.

He can also keep himself healthy without the use of med packs, thanks to his passive. Swift Mend heals 1 health per second if he’s out of combat for at least 6 seconds.

Octane unleashes his adrenaline junky side when using his Launch Pad ultimate. It deploys a jump pad that launches anyone who steps on it in the air. Most of Octane’s abilities are pretty easy to understand which is why he made our list of the best legends for beginners in Apex Legends.

5. Bangalore

Bangalore aiming her smokes.
Image via Respawn Entertainment.

The final legend on our list is none other than Bangalore. She’s a solid choice for beginners because of her ability to quickly get out of tricky situations. Her Smoke Launcher can be used to create instant cover and can be used twice in a row.

Double Time makes Bangalore sprint faster when taking damage. Double Time makes it easier for her to escape and outrun enemies. This easily makes her one of the best Legends for beginners in Apex Legends. 

Bangalore’s Rolling Thunder ultimate works similarly to Gibraltar’s AOE mortar strike. Bangalore calls upon artillery for backup and launches numerous missiles onto the area. The best part is that it doesn’t damage allies.

With these beginner-friendly Legends, I’m sure you’ll become used to the game in no time. Make sure to check out some beginner tips and tricks or team up with long-time players to learn more about Apex Legends.