Apex Legends Bangalore Guide: Best Tips and Tricks for Playing as Bangalore

Bangalore is Apex Legend's top-tier soldier. Do you think you have what it takes to use her? Here's our Apex Legends Bangalore guide to help you out.

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Anwell Patdu

Bangalore is one of the original Legends that was released with the game. She’s also one of the best Legends for beginners because of her overall straightforward kit. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any other tips and tricks you can learn.

We’ve compiled some of the best tips and tricks for aspiring Apex Legends Bangalore players.

Speed is Key

Bangalore’s passive is typically great for escaping gunfire or initiating fights. But you can also use it to bait out enemy shots and live to fight another day. You can do this by simply running out from cover and into the open. It’s also a great way to reposition if you don’t have your smokes up.

So don’t be afraid to try and bait enemy shots. Most of the time, your passive will save you and allow you to get back to safety. But don’t be too cheeky with it, though. It only lasts for 2 seconds, after all.

Damage Isn’t Always King

Bangalore is an inherently aggressive Legend. She’s even part of the new Assault Class introduced in Season 16. But sometimes, you have to settle for using your abilities, especially your Rolling Thunder, as a zoning tool.

You can’t spend your time sitting on a ready-to-go Rolling Thunder and waiting for the perfect moment to use it. You can simply use it to block off enemy escape routes, create a diversion for you/ your team to escape, or simply force an enemy to run out into the open.

Holding onto your ultimate for too long is one of the most common mistakes that new Apex Legends Bangalore users make.

Smokescreen Scanning

Apex Legends Bangalore using Digital Threat to find enemies in her smokes
Image via Respawn Entertainment

Smoke Launcher is a huge part of Bangalore’s kit. Any aspiring Apex Legends Bangalore player should know how to fully utilize it. One of the best ways is by simply pairing Bangalore with a scanning Legend like Seer or Bloodhound.

Using your smokes and then having an ally Bloodhound or Seer detect the enemy is an insanely powerful combo.

However, if you don’t have any friends and can’t find new teammates, then the Digital Threat is your best friend. Playing Bangalore with a Digital Threat feels like having wall hacks. The enemy won’t even know what hit them.

Here’s a Smoke for You

Bangalore’s Smoke Launcher creates a wall of smoke that blocks all vision. A mistake that some Apex Legends Bangalore players make is smoking themselves during battle. While smoking yourself can be useful when reviving allies, using respawn beacons, or escaping enemies, it’s generally not recommended in battle.

Your vision will get blocked by your smoke and can lead to confusion regarding your position. Not to mention the disadvantage that you get if a Seer or Bloodhound scans your smoke. So it’s better to block your opponent’s vision by throwing your smokes toward them instead.

Smokes For Days

Smoke Launcher has two charges and has a cooldown of 33 seconds. Each smoke also lasts 23 seconds, giving you a 10-second window. However, if you can time it correctly and only use the other one after about 10 seconds, then you can continuously use your smokes without cooldowns.

Another great indicator is that your smokes will last for 12-13% of your ult charge. On the other hand, the cooldown will take about 18-19% ult charge. These are great tips to remember so that you don’t have to count the seconds in your head.

Never Look Back

Did you know that you can actually outrun your Rolling Thunder? It can be scary, and the timing can be a bit tricky, but once you master it, it’s a useful tool for leaving enemies behind.

Once you fire your Rolling Thunder, just continue to run and don’t look back. If you slow down or run into obstacles, there’s a high chance that you’ll get caught in your own ultimate. 

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