Smite Fans Divided: Excitement and Apprehension for Smite 2

The Smite community shares mixed feelings on the upcoming release of Smite 2. Find out why fans are torn between excitement and apprehension.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Smite community is buzzing with excitement and anticipation as players gear up for the release of Smite 2. The upcoming sequel has sparked a range of emotions among fans, from eager anticipation to trepidation about the future of their beloved game.


  • Players are eager for new achievements in Smite 2.
  • Some fans are rediscovering their love for Smite after a hiatus.
  • Concerns about losing progress and skins in Smite 2 are dampening some players’ enthusiasm.
  • Players are split between excitement for Smite 2 and reluctance to leave the original game behind.

Excitement for Smite 2

One player expressed excitement about the prospect of new achievements in Smite 2, reminiscing about past achievements and hoping for fresh challenges in the sequel.

Rediscovering Love for Smite

Another player shared how they returned to Smite after a long break, finding joy in the game once again and comparing it favorably to other titles they had tried in the interim.

Concerns About Progress and Transition

However, not all players are fully onboard with the idea of Smite 2, as some worry about losing their hard-earned progress and skins when the new game launches, leading to a loss of motivation to continue playing the original Smite.

Divided Opinions

Overall, the community appears to be split between those eagerly anticipating Smite 2 and others who are hesitant to embrace the sequel wholeheartedly, showcasing a mix of excitement and apprehension among players.