The Hilarious SSD Conundrum – Helldivers Reddit Post

When a player without an SSD joins, chaos and loading times ensue in the world of Helldivers.

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers is a thrilling game, but what happens when someone without an SSD joins a match? Let’s dive into the chaos!


  • SSD vs. HDD loading time dilemma in Helldivers.
  • Confusion whether it’s a disk or connection issue.
  • Players resorting to creating memes while waiting for slow loaders.


MountainForm7931 hilariously reflects on the eternity it takes for a player without an SSD to load into the game, resorting to memes to pass the time.

Connection vs. Disk Issue

Ok-Regret6767 muses if slow loading is due to hard drive speed or connection problems, sparking a debate among players.

Player Frustrations

Halvars90 shares an anecdote of waiting endlessly in a match until resorting to drastic measures to kickstart the game, questioning the matchmaking system.