Valorant: Is Deadlock Worth It in Plat SoloQ?

Discover if Deadlock is a useful agent in the competitive world of Plat SoloQ in Valorant.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

Valorant players are debating the effectiveness of agent Deadlock in Plat SoloQ matches. While some find success with her unique utility, others question her impact compared to traditional sentinels.


  • Deadlock’s utility can be impactful in certain situations but may not provide as much immediate value compared to other agents.
  • Players emphasize the importance of unpredictability and strategic placement of Deadlock’s abilities to maximize her potential.
  • Though some players find success climbing ranks with Deadlock, others suggest that she may not be the optimal choice for competitive play.

Players’ Perspectives on Deadlock in Plat SoloQ

One user, remus2015, shares their success climbing ranks with Deadlock and Chamber, highlighting the importance of positioning trips effectively on maps like Bind and Sunset to catch enemies off guard. They stress the need for adaptability in playstyles to outsmart opponents.

Smokygrapefruit points out that while gunfights play a significant role in Valorant, Deadlock’s utility may not provide as much immediate impact compared to other sentinels, potentially slowing down one’s progress in competitive growth.

Users like ipoopsometimes21 note that Deadlock’s strength shines in lower ranks where aggressive pushes are common, offering potential for big plays with her abilities. However, her lack of traditional flank watch might be a downside in higher-level play.

Players’ Strategies and Insights

Karmy-guy shares their experience playing Deadlock casually with a decent win rate, praising her underrated status and the frustration her wall can cause opponents. They highlight the effectiveness of using trips aggressively to disrupt enemy movements.

Zuttomayonaka focuses on Deadlock’s E ability as a key strength, preferring to pick her on maps like Bind and Sunset. This showcases the diversity in player preferences and strategies when utilizing agent abilities.

Gertrud_Dreyer raises concerns about enemy awareness affecting Deadlock’s impact, especially when opponents consistently hit her sites. This emphasizes the need for adapting playstyles and counter-strategies to succeed with Deadlock.

As the debate continues, players experiment with Deadlock’s abilities and gameplay styles to determine her viability in Plat SoloQ matches. While opinions vary on her effectiveness compared to other sentinels, players find value in utilizing her unique utility to create strategic advantages on the battlefield.