Uncover the Most Unusual Spots to Die in Summoner’s Rift – League of Legends

Exploring the unexpected deaths and hidden dangers in Summoner's Rift in League of Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players are uncovering the most unusual spots to meet their demise in Summoner’s Rift. Dive in to discover where these bizarre deaths occur!


  • From falling off the map to hidden alcoves, Summoner’s Rift has some surprising death spots.
  • The back of Red buff, blue side krugs, and the deep fountain wall all present unique fatal possibilities.
  • A rough heatmap analysis highlights top unlikely death zones like alcoves, deep fountain, and jungle walls.

Skarner vs. Quinn

One user shared a clip of Skarner versus Quinn where Quinn fell off the map when E’d against a wall, sparking discussion about uncommon death locations.

Heatmap Analysis

Another Redditor provided a heatmap of death locations, pointing out unlikely spots such as alcoves and near jungle walls for fatal encounters.

Blue Side Krugs

Discussion on dying at blue side krugs shed light on its secluded nature, making it an unexpected spot for deaths due to limited traffic in the area.

Entrance to Northern Blue Jungle

Players considered the entrance to the northern blue jungle as a rare death spot, highlighting the dangers of being ambushed in that corridor.

Exploring the unexpected fatalities in Summoner’s Rift unveils the hidden precariousness of the battleground where even the most seasoned players can fall victim to unusual circumstances and locations, adding a new layer of intrigue to gameplay encounters.