Mastering Smokes in Valorant: Bronze Struggles and Strategies Revealed

Bronze players in Valorant question their smoking strategies on Ascent. Find out if their tactics are a hit or miss.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

Valorant players in the Bronze 1 tier are grappling with the effectiveness of their smoke strategies, specifically on Ascent. The doubts revolve around whether their smokes are creating advantages or inadvertently benefiting the enemy team. Are these players unknowingly hindering their own attacks with misplaced smoke screens?


  • Understanding the purpose behind each smoke deployment is crucial for maximizing its effectiveness.
  • Preset smokes can serve as a foundation, but improvisation based on the specific game scenario is key.
  • Strategic use of smokes can involve blocking angles, forcing disadvantageous fights, and creating safe spaces for the team.
  • Players are advised to constantly evaluate the purpose and impact of their smoke placements to refine their tactics.
  • Mid-Site Smoke Debate

    Among the comments, there is a divide on the validity of certain smokes, such as the mid-site smoke on A. While some argue against its use, labeling it as a defender’s advantage, others suggest context-driven approaches to its deployment. The discussion highlights the importance of adapting smoke strategies to the specific in-game circumstances.

    Optimal Smoke Placement

    Players provide insights on ideal smoke placements, emphasizing the significance of saving smokes for crucial moments like retakes. Additionally, suggestions are made for Brimstone players to utilize specific smoke patterns to control A and B sites efficiently.

    Strive for Improvement

    The community encourages continuous learning and experimentation with smoke tactics. By understanding the multifaceted roles of smokes, players can elevate their gameplay and enhance their contributions to the team’s success.