Mechabellum Marksman Guide

Welcome to our Mechabellum Marksman guide. The Marksman is the ideal unit to use if you want to take out an enemy three postal codes away.

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Ursine Warrior

Mechabellum Marksman Guide

The Marksman is one of the first units you’re introduced to once you first get into the game. That is, if, you decide to play the tutorial, which you totally should, for the reasons we discussed in our Mechabellum Beginners Tips and Tricks.

What makes Mechabellum’s Marksman such a good unit though? After all, if it were a bad unit, nobody would be using it. The reality however is quite the opposite, as the Marksman can be seen in almost every match. Let’s find out.

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Key Takeaways for Mechabellum Marksman Guide

  • Marksmen have the greatest range in the game
  • Marksmen are a cost-effective unit with a similar role to Melting Point
  • Always keep your Marksmen in the back and supported by other units

The Marksman and its Upgrades

Mechabellum Marksman Guide Marksman

If you plan on using the Marksman, you should always keep them in the back as a supporting unit. While it might sound fun to spam Marksmen and have a line battle with your opponent. The efficacy of such a tactic is dubious at best. 

Doubleshot is the first tech upgrade available to the Marksmen. It gives your Marksmen the ability to fire two rounds with a single shot, but at the cost of a higher reload time between each shot. 

Range Enhancement does as the upgrade implies. It enhances the attack range of all of your Marksmen. Considering that you already have the longest base range, this upgrade is like adding a cherry on top. 

Quick Reload multiplies the reload speed of your Marksmen, but at the cost of lowered damage overall. 

Electromagnetic Shot gives your attacks the Electromagnetic debuff. Every time you hit a unit you disable their tech upgrades and decrease their movement speed for a few seconds. 

Elite Marksman gives your Marksmen a slight increase in their range, but more importantly, it increases their overall damage by 30%. This upgrade stacks with level-ups, so, a Level 3 Marksman will receive a 90% bonus. 

Shooting Squad is the final tech upgrade available to the Marksmen. At the start of each round, your Marksmen will spawn a squad of 5 Fangs that are the same level as the unit they are spawned from. 

The Strengths of the Marksman and How You Should Use Them


Marksmen excel at taking out SIngle-Entity units, particularly, something like the Archlight. Consider them a cost-effective version of Melting Point. They deal a lot of damage, and have exceptional range, but suffer when faced with Mob units.

Always keep your Marksmen at the back to get the most out of them. What’s more, always keep a unit on their flank to protect them from flanking attacks by your opponent’s Mob units.

However, if your opponent flanks you with a Single-Entity unit, get the Electromagnetic Shot upgrade as soon as possible. That way, your Marksmen will disable them while your supporting unit mops them up.

The Weaknesses of the Marksman and What You Should Avoid


Marksmen primarily have 2 weaknesses that you should be concerned about. Their slow movement speed, and their slow rate of fire. Those two elements combined practically leaves them unable to respond to certain threats.

One of their main counters are Rhinos. Rhinos have a huge health pool, incredible speed, and a ton of damage up close. They’re the ideal unit for closing the distance with your Marksmen.

The other counter you have is Mob units. Any Mob units, regardless if they’re Wasps or Crawlers. This is why you should always keep a supporting unit on their flanks. If not to beat the enemy, then to pin them down till support arrives.