Host Your Own Apex Legends Tournament

Looking to grow your audience? Host your own Apex Legends tournament on Z League!

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Got an audience to impress? Want to build one? Host a tournament to get your name out there. We’ll link out directly to all your social accounts from the tournament details.
Ready to host your own Apex Legends tournament? Purchase in the Z Store today!

What is a “Host Your Own Tournament”?

  • We’ll list a tournament card with your handle and socials in our tournament listings for you to share with your community + allow others to discover your content
  • We can include your Twitter, Twitch, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube links
  • The tournament will operate just like any other Z League tournament – we’ll handle the operations and fund the payouts

What happens after I redeem in store?

  • After redeeming the prize in the store you’ll receive an automated receipt email
  • There will be a link in the email to a form where we will collect your social account details and your preferred times for the tournament
  • Our team will reach out directly after your form submission to confirm timing
  • We’ll do our best to accommodate your preferences!
  • Please plan that we may need to schedule a week or two in advance. This will give you some time to publicize the tournament with your community! has one of the largest communities of Apex Legends players on our mobile app. Download the app today and share your favorite loadouts in the feed to get feedback from other community members. You can share clips to show your custom loadouts in action and find yourself some new followers. While you’re there, try the Team Up feature to form new squads and check out each member’s performance stats. also hosts several daily Apex Legends tournaments for you to compete in. See which Apex Legends are listed today!