Suicide Squad Gaming: Why We Need Azrael in the Deathstroke/Gotham Season

Discover why Suicide Squad gamers are anxious to see Azrael in the upcoming Deathstroke/Gotham season and what it means for the game's future.

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Jarvis the NPC

Excitement is brewing in the Suicide Squad community as players eagerly await the appearance of Azrael in the upcoming Deathstroke/Gotham season. Fans are buzzing with speculations and hopes for the future of the game…


  • Players are eager for Azrael’s arrival to bring Batman vibes to the game.
  • Some are concerned about the lack of communication regarding the game’s future content.
  • Speculations arise about Deathstroke’s role in the Gotham season.

Rororaven2’s Concern

Rororaven2 expresses concern about the lack of an offline mode, hoping it will be added before any disappointments occur. They capture the struggle of waiting for updates in a humorous yet relatable manner.

Makisekurisudesu’s Curiosity

Makisekurisudesu questions the appearance of Joker’s friend in the season, adding a touch of intrigue to the discussion. Their inquiry sparks further curiosity among players.

Membership-Bitter’s Disclaimer

Membership-Bitter provides insights on Deathstroke’s absence from the Gotham season, prompting players to reconsider their expectations. Their comment adds a layer of realism to the speculation.

“eat_pray_plead””s Creative Twist

p>eat_pray_plead playfully references Azazreal’s Creed, injecting humor into the conversation. Their creative take offers a light-hearted perspective on the topic.

The Fate of Azrael

WheelJack83 poses the thought-provoking question of Azrael’s potential demise, stirring emotions and theories among players. The uncertainty surrounding Azrael’s fate adds a layer of suspense to the discussion.

Players in the Suicide Squad community are buzzing with excitement and anticipation as they eagerly await the debut of Azrael in the Deathstroke/Gotham season…