Tekken: The Dragunov Dilemma – A Dive into the Mains’ Misery

Discover the woes of Dragunov mains in Tekken 7 as they grapple with his overpowering moves.

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken players are feeling the heat as Dragunov mains voice their grievances over the character’s overpowering moves. Read more to delve into the community uproar.


  • Dragunov mains express frustration with the character being overly strong in Tekken 7.
  • Players lament the lack of balance and fun in Dragunov’s current playstyle.
  • The community is divided between those demanding nerfs and others questioning the severity of the complaints.

Dragunov: The Unstoppable Force

Dragunov mains are grappling with the realization that their once beloved specialist character has transformed into an overpowering force in Tekken 7. The sentiment among players is one of disappointment and frustration, with many expressing a desire for the character to be rebalanced.

The Backlash

One player, GR8Oil, shares their struggle with the drastic change in Dragunov’s gameplay from Tekken 7 to Tekken 8. The character’s moves feel braindead and playing against him has become a tedious experience, leading some players to question if the character needs to be nerfed back to obscurity.

Community Divided

While some players echo the calls for Dragunov’s nerf, others like National-Method-8236 criticize the excessive reactions within the community. The post dives into the deeper implications of players basing their identities around character choices and the toxicity that can arise from such strong opinions.

The Dragunov Dilemma in Tekken reflects a broader issue within the gaming community, where balancing characters can lead to intense debates and emotional responses. As players continue to navigate these challenges, it’s essential to remember that at the core of it all, it’s just a game.