Why the Community is Roasting Feng in Tekken 8 – Balancing Joke Unveiled!

Discover why fans think Feng is unbalanced in Tekken 8 and how they're hilariously venting it out!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Tekken, where every punch and kick matters, Feng seems to have pushed players’ buttons quite literally. The Reddit post about Feng being the biggest balancing joke in Tekken 8 has stirred up quite a storm in the community.


  • Feng’s move set has players questioning the fairness of his abilities.
  • Players feel frustrated with his numerous advantageous moves and lack of clear weaknesses.
  • Some speculate that Feng’s strength may be due to favoritism from the creators.
  • The community is divided between those who find him broken and those trying to adapt their playstyles around him.
  • Player Frustration

    The original post highlights a laundry list of reasons why players find Feng’s kit overwhelming. From his powerful jabs to his myriad of safe and strong moves, Feng’s toolkit seems to offer no respite to opponents.

    Community Speculation

    Comments range from humorous suggestions for overpowered additions to Feng’s moveset to serious allegations of developer favoritism. Some players believe that Feng’s strength could be a result of biased design choices.

    Adapting Strategies

    While some players express frustration at dealing with Feng’s dominance, others see it as an opportunity to learn and adapt. Discussions delve into strategizing against Feng and finding ways to counter his potent moves.

    The Tekken community’s uproar over Feng’s perceived imbalance sheds light on the ongoing debates surrounding character strength and game design in fighting games. As players continue to grapple with Feng’s prowess, it’s evident that balancing characters remains a hot topic in the competitive gaming scene.