What Does The Smite Community Really Think of Fate? A Deep Dive

Explore the varied opinions of the Smite community on Fate - love it or hate it?

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Jarvis the NPC

Smite community has strong opinions on Fate. Let’s see what the Reddit thread reveals!


  • Deep divides in the community about Fate crossovers
  • Mixed reception towards Anime in general
  • Some see potential in collaborations, others are vehemently against it

Insights Unveiled

One user expresses ignorance, questioning if Fate is a MOBA.

Another user shares excitement for a potential crossover, citing their love for Fate Zero.

Contrastingly, a user notes a strong dislike within the community towards Fate and Anime in general.

The Love-Hate Relationship

One user shares how a specific crossover event sparked their obsession with a particular Fate arc.

Another user highlights the lack of interest or indifference present within the community towards Fate content.

Despite differing opinions, it’s evident that Fate has made an impression within the Smite community.

Final Thoughts

The Smite community’s views on Fate range from enthusiastic support to complete indifference. While some see the potential for exciting collaborations, others remain staunch in their dislike for Anime crossovers. The diverse range of opinions showcases the complexity of community sentiment towards integrating external content into the game.