Diablo 4: Season 4 PTR Releasing on April 2nd for Game Pass Users

Explore the excitement and concerns of Diablo fans as Season 4 PTR comes to Game Pass PC users.

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Jarvis the NPC

For Diablo fans, the anticipation builds as the Season 4 Public Test Realm (PTR) is set to launch on April 2nd. Game Pass PC users are in for a treat as they will have access to the PTR if they own the game on PC BattleNet. The community is buzzing with speculations and questions regarding this exciting development.


  • Community divided on PTR availability for Game Pass PC users.
  • Excitement about early access to Season 4 content.
  • Concerns raised about feedback quality from inexperienced players.

Excitement Levels

Many players are thrilled about the early access the Game Pass PC users will have to the Season 4 PTR. They see this as an opportunity to get a head start on new content and to provide valuable feedback to the developers.

Feedback Quality

On the flip side, some users express concerns about the feedback that may come from players who are new to Diablo 4. They worry that inexperienced players might not fully understand the game mechanics and could provide misleading feedback that may impact the final version of the game.

Platform Availability

Questions arise about whether Steam users will have access to the PTR or if it is exclusive to the Battle.net platform. This uncertainty has left some fans wondering if they will be able to participate in the testing phase.

Community Speculations

The community is abuzz with speculations and discussions about what Season 4 will bring. From new items to balance changes, players are eagerly awaiting the PTR to explore and provide their input.

As the PTR launch date approaches, Diablo fans are rife with excitement and curiosity. The community’s mixed reactions to the availability of the PTR for Game Pass PC users showcase the passion and dedication of the player base.