Understanding the Persona Community’s Concerns: Why Isn’t Aegis’s Game Being Officially Translated?

Why is Aegis's game not getting an official translation? Dive into the Persona community's discussions and find out!

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever wondered why Aegis’s game isn’t being officially translated? Dive into the Persona subreddit for some insights. The community seems torn on this issue, with varying opinions on the reasons behind it.


  • Translation Costs vs. Potential Revenue
  • Community Expectations vs. Reality
  • Possibility of Fan Translations

Aegis’s Game: Lost in Translation?

Some users point out that the game’s obscurity in the West and its origins as a flip phone game from 2007 make localization financially unviable. They doubt the game’s profitability in English-speaking markets.

Community Speculations on Localization

Others speculate on Atlus West’s disinterest in translating the game due to its limited potential audience and the involvement of third-party companies in its porting.

Fan Translation Hopes

Several users express hope for fan translations, citing previous instances where fan patches filled the gap left by official localization efforts. They believe dedicated fans will step in to make the game accessible to non-Japanese speakers.