Gaming News: Best Games for Exploring Maps and Secrets

Looking for games with hidden gems and secret paths? Dive into the world of exploration with these top picks!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of gaming, exploration is key to uncovering hidden treasures and secrets that lurk beneath the surface of each game world. But what happens when you’ve exhausted your go-to titles and are hungry for more? Reddit user Akito_900 posed this very question, seeking recommendations for games that cater to the explorers at heart.


  • Dive into immersive sims like Dishonored and Prey for a fantastic exploration experience.
  • Discover hidden gems in games like Elden Ring, Bloodborne, and Dark Souls from FROMSOFT.
  • Engage in games with environmental storytelling and treasure hunts rather than random loot models.

Tunic – Lim4ik

Lim4ik suggests Tunic, a game that promises to satisfy your craving for exploration and mystery.

Cyberpunk! – xJBug

xJBug recommends Cyberpunk, a visually stunning game with plenty of secrets waiting to be uncovered.

Hollow Knight – Beanerage

Beanerage suggests Hollow Knight, a game known for its intricate map design and hidden lore.