Team Fight Tactics (TFT) Discussion: Gold Income and Calculations Woes

Explore the controversy around gold calculations in Team Fight Tactics (TFT) and player suggestions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players are split over how gold rewards should be calculated, sparking debates in the subreddit. Some advocate for clearer distinctions, while others think the current system works fine.


  • Players split on request for separate win/lose gold calculations.
  • Confusion over current system and desire for clearer indicators.
  • Debates on feasibility and necessity of enhancing gold tracking.

Player Sentiments

Some players like Rubbermayd express frustration at the current gold calculations, always feeling one step short. On the other hand, gigs1890 finds the interest level in this update to be potentially high, suggesting a significant player preference for such changes. SpynderX humorously states laziness as a reason for wanting separate numbers, reflecting a common sentiment of wanting convenience in calculations.

Community Backlash

kukiemanster’s comment highlights the irony of the situation, joking about a large company struggling with what seems like a simple feature. This sarcastic take resonates with others who feel that the game should address such player-centered issues promptly.

Reflecting Player Discussions

While Kritz119 sees the current system as a possibility for strategic income, others like notbunzy suggest expanding the functionality to resemble more sophisticated financial concepts. The discussions in the comments reflect a mix of practical suggestions and humorous takes, showcasing the vibrant community engagement in tweaking game mechanics.

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