Apex Legends Vantage Guide: Best Tips and Tricks for Playing as Vantage

Shoot your shot and aim those sights with Vantage. Maximize her skills and become the best sniper through tips and tricks in our Apex Legends Vantage guide.

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Anwell Patdu

Vantage was released to become the primary sniper Legend in the game. She may not be the most beginner-friendly Legends, but she’s definitely the best one for snipers.

You’ll need some pretty solid mechanical skills to excel at Vantage. Luckily, we’ve got you covered. Here’s our Apex Legends Vantage guide, complete with tips and tricks for using her.

Ping Enemies

Your passive ability can be used to determine what shields the enemy squad has and how many of them are still alive. However, a mistake that new Apex Legends Vantage players make is not pinging enemies to relay that information to their team.

Pinging enemies is a simple yet fast way to let your team know the information you’ve gathered without even using your mic.

Crouch to Stop

Echo Relocation provides a great movement ability for Vantage. It allows her to move at high speeds and reach crazy heights. However, all of this momentum can result in a slow landing and a slower weapon pull-out.

A simple way to counter this is to simply crouch. You can crouch at any time during the flight animation to help you land faster.

Always Reposition Echo

Apex Legends Vantage Repositioning Echo
Image via Respawn Entertainment.

Echo is a strong little bat that can’t be killed. It always follows you when you’re more than 55 meters away and can be recalled, deployed, or repositioned at any time without cooldowns.

As an Apex Legends Vantage player, you should use this to your advantage and always reposition Echo. This allows you to know where he is at all times and ensures that you can always jump to him when needed. Remember, you need line of sight before you can complete the jump. Repositioning it is the best way to ensure that you always have line of sight.

Initiate or Disengage

As we’ve already mentioned, Echo Relocation is a great movement tool. It can be used to initiate fights by jumping toward an enemy or to disengage and escape. This tip also partners with always repositioning Echo so that you always have a way out.

A great way to initiate fights using Echo is to hit enemies with your Sniper’s Mark first and then using Echo to quickly push enemies and finish them while they’re still marked.

Reach New Heights

Use Echo’s double jump to cover insane height distances and reach high areas. This gives you a great vantage point where you can use your sniper safely. Get creative and find unique angles using the height and momentum you can get from Echo Relocation.

This is a tip that should basically be natural to any aspiring Apex Legends Vantage main. I mean come on, Vantage is literally her name.

High-Low Advantage

Holding high ground, dropping to low ground, and then quickly getting high ground back again is an effective trick that you can perform with Vantage. This is a similar trick that is often used by Valkyrie players that you can abuse as well.

If you’re holding high ground and an enemy is chasing you, you can bait them into dropping to low ground. If they follow you, you can use Echo to quickly propel yourself up to high ground again and regain the advantage.

One of Each Weapon

Our final tip for our Apex Legends Vantage guide is to simply diversify your arsenal. While Vantage is an excellent sniper Legend, it doesn’t mean that you can only use snipers on her.

Her ultimate is already a sniper, so I highly suggest using one of your weapon slots to carry short-range weapons like shotguns or SMGs like the Volt SMG or C.A.R. SMG. You can then use the other slot for a ranged weapon like the Triple Take marksman or the ever-reliable VK-47 Flatline.

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