Apex Legends Revenant Guide: Best Tips and Tricks for Playing as Revenant

Are you ready to silence your opponents and cheat death? Well, here's our Apex Legends Revenant guide to help you level up your game.

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Anwell Patdu

Revenant is an exciting Legend that requires a specific play style to be successful. He’s amazing at setting up flanks, getting up in your face, and being extremely aggressive. Get a better grasp of how to play him using our tips and tricks for Apex Legends Revenant players.

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Sneaky Beaky Like

Revenant’s Stalker passive is actually a sneakily strong yet underutilized tool. Your overall speed doesn’t change when you are crouched. This makes it very difficult for enemies to hit you while crouching. 

Not too many people are used to shooting at crouched people at that speed. Your hitbox is also significantly smaller when crouched, making you a harder target to hit. Enemy Seers also won’t be able to detect you while crouched, giving you the upper hand. 

So make sure to practice crouching more often if you’re planning on becoming an Apex Legends Revenant main.

Climb Till You Can’t Climb No More

The other half of Revenant’s passive is the ability to climb higher than any other Legend. This allows you to create unique opportunities and catch enemies off-guard. Most players will feel safe when close to tall buildings or structures, but with Revenant around, no one is safe.

As an Apex Legends Revenant player, you should always be looking to find off-angles that you can create through climbing. When paired with a rifle like the R-301 Carbine or the VK-47 Flatline, Revenant and his off angles can become a devastating combo to deal with.

Hiding in “Silence”

Hiding inside Apex Legends Revenant Silence
Image via Respawn Entertainment.

A great way to use your Silence ability is to use it on yourself. Before any of you new Apex Legends Revenant players react, no, you’re not going to be silencing yourself. You’re just going to use it to hide and camouflage.

Crouching inside of your Silence is a great way to pop a quick heal. The sound will mask your healing audio cue, while the ability’s animation will hide your player model. This can also be used when reviving a knocked ally. Most players will simply turn a blind eye whenever they see the ability and probably won’t notice you until it’s too late.

Proper Totem Placement

A common mistake that new Apex Legends Revenant players make is placing their Death Totem in the open. I know that we can all be a bit trigger-happy whenever your ultimate is up and you hear some gunshots nearby. However, you still need to make sure that your Death Totem is in a safe place.

If your enemies can shoot at your Death Totem, then it’s basically useless. 

Silenced and Blocked

Your tactical ability is a great way to zone enemy players out. Obviously, it’s better to try and hit crucial enemies like a Newcastle or Gibraltar, but it doesn’t always need to hit anyone to be useful.

You can use Silence in front of doors or entrances to block them off. Not too many players will be eager to push your Silence. It isn’t as effective as Horizon’s Gravity Lift, but you’ll still have the advantage if enemies decide to force their way in. 

Burning Yourself Alive

The final tip for all the Apex Legends Revenant players out there is to always have a Thermite Grenade. You’re not going to be using the Thermite Grenade on enemies. Instead, you’re going to use it on yourself, at least when you need a quick way out of your Death Totem.

The Thermite Grenade instantly activates, unlike the other grenades, making it the best option for a quick reset. You can use it whenever your opponents run away from you or you think that you’re out of position. Regardless, you’ll be respawned back to your totem in no time.