12 Newcastle Tips for Apex Legends Ranked Games

Newcastle isn't a popular legend among regular players, but he is one of the favorites in the pro leagues. Why? Here are 12 Newcastle for Apex Legends Ranked

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In season 13, a new legend was introduced into Apex Legends. This new big guy is Bangalore’s brother and his name is Jackson Williams, better known as Newcastle.

Sadly, Newcastle quickly became one of the least favorite characters in the game, with a 1.4% pick rate. He is only above Crypto when it comes to pick rate statistics. However, this all changes when we take a glance at the pro leagues, where he is even preferred over Gibby by pros.

One key case is the player “scuwry” from the team 100 Thieves, who used Newcastle effectively during Apex Legends Global Series 2022 on almost every game, changing many player’s perceptions of Newcastle’s utility.

We truly believe Newcastle is an awesome legend who deserves more love from players, therefore we’ve put together a list of 12 Newcastle tips for Apex Legends Ranked that you can use.

1. Understand his role

newcastle running with a full squad
Image via Respawn Entertainment

The first tip is something that most of the people know, but it’s never bad to reinforce that Newcastle is a defensive legend, his MAIN role is to position himself properly so he can revive his teammates whenever they get downed, therefore, do not be the one who pushes first unless you’re strictly sure that you’re winning.

2. Newcastle is also an offensive legend

newcastle offensive
Image via Respawn Entertainment

Unlike some other defensive legends, Newcastle’s kit allows us a lot of different possibilities than just camping a building. Understanding when to push and how to use his ultimate is the most important decision when playing this legend. Do not hesitate to use your ultimate to jump straight into your enemy’s backline, to throw it over your downed teammate in the middle of the fight or just use it to get into a highground, so you can outplay your enemy with movement. Keep in mind that Newcastle is for players who like supporting their teams, but also offensive players who like to have movement options.

3. Take angles, Newcastle is not a static defender

newcastle mid air
Image via Respawn Entertainment

As we said, Newcastle’s ultimate allows him to be more flexible than other legends, such as Caustic or Wattson. Do not be afraid of taking a wide angle to try to get a knockdown, even if things take a  turn for the worse, you can always use your Castle Wall to get back to your teammates.

4. Movement while reviving

newcastle reviving moving

Image via Respawn Entertainment

We all remember Lifeline from Season 9. She got buffed so she could “rez” faster, and she also had a shield that protected her while reviving. That legend was an absolute menace every time you played against her. We’re grateful that she got nerfed, but we feel that Newcastle has a similar utility in teams. In some situations, he’s even better because he can move while reviving.

Newcastle can get you out of many difficult situations if you move correctly and redirect your shield while reviving. This is even better if you use your tactical or ultimate to corner yourself while getting your teammates up.

Plus: You can also bunny hop while reviving.

5. When in a 1v1 situation, bait a rez

apex legends newcastle 2
Image via Respawn Entertainment

We all know that baiting to revive in a 1v1 situation can get your team to push you, but Newcastle takes this to a whole other level. Even in situations where your enemy is directly in front of you, bait to revive, your enemy will always try to get behind you. Just wait for the appropriate moment to cancel your revive so you can catch your enemy off-guard.

6. Proper use of his tactical

newcastle tactical 1
Image via Respawn Entertainment

Mobile Shield can always be used for defensive and support purposes such as reviving, healing, and looting, but it can also have an offensive purpose. As peacekeeper players understand that the secret to using PK is peeking, shooting, and hiding behind cover repeatedly. Newcastle’s tactical has the same use case. Keep in mind that it is a smaller version of Gibby’s bubble, but this time you can move it as needed. So don’t forget to peek quickly with the proper guns to get the most out of it.

7. Choose the proper weapons that pair with his abilities

newcastle shield

Image via Respawn Entertainment

Taking in consideration that Newcastle is a Fortified legend with a kit made for peeking, he is definitely one of the best legends for having long-range shootouts with enemies. Please, don’t forget to choose one-shot weapons such as a Wingman, a Scout, a 30-30, or even a 301, and a short-range weapon like a CAR, an R-99, or even better, a shotgun.

8. Newcastle’s ultimate stuns

newcastle ult
Image via Respawn Entertainment

What are the most annoying debuffs in Apex Legends? Caustic’s Gas, Wattson’s fences, and… Newcastle’s wall. Don’t hesitate to throw your ult in the middle of a fight with your down teammate (or his box) just next to an enemy. There is a chance that you will stun him for enough time to get you a knock.

9.  You can see people through the smoke

newcastle surprised

Image via Respawn Entertainment

This one is pure fire. 

As the Seer meta rises, few are paying attention to other scan legends, such as Bloodhound or Crypto. But, did you know that Newcastle has a scan? Yes, he does. 

Not many people know this but whenever he is in the air while throwing his ult, you’ll be able to see enemies through smoke with a red light glance. This looks something like when someone is silenced by Revenant’s tactical. So don’t forget to throw your ult in the middle of a smoke fight. It will definitely help you if you have a quick eye.

10.  Blocking doorways with your ultimate

newcastle ultimate
Image via Respawn Entertainment

We all hate third parties, so there is a gorgeous way of getting rid of them while you get everyone up, healed, and looted. And it’s just throwing Newcastle’s wall into the doorway. There is no way they’ll break it soon and you can get yourself and your team ready for whenever you need to step out.

11.  Destroy a wall of your ult

Castle wall
Screengrab via Respawn Entertainment

You can always lock yourself in, but there is something most enemies don’t expect: when you lock yourself out. Many players do not realize Newcastle can destroy pieces of his wall. This is in order to lock himself and his team out of a building. So use this in your favor by destroying a wall and rushing a team at the moment they least expect it.

12.  Keep Ultimate Accelerants

ultimate accelerant
Screengrab via Respawn Entertainment

As you might have noticed, there is a lot of use for your ultimate, so don’t forget to always carry Ultimate Accelerants in your inventory, they may be a huge difference.

Thanks for reading, and don’t forget to charge the shield on your back!