Baldur’s Gate 3 Physical Deluxe Edition Shipping Update – Fans React

Fans of Baldur's Gate 3 are divided on the delayed physical deluxe edition shipping, expressing a mix of disappointment and understanding.

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate fans have been eagerly awaiting the physical deluxe edition shipping update, with many expressing mixed feelings towards the delays.


  • Delays in shipping physical deluxe edition causing disappointment and understanding among fans.
  • Trust in Larian’s ability to deliver despite delays.
  • Some fans express frustration but maintain patience for the anticipated edition.
  • Divided opinions on the impact of the delays on gameplay and overall experience.

Eagerly Awaited Updates

Fans have eagerly awaited updates on the physical deluxe edition of Baldur’s Gate 3, with the recent shipping update drawing mixed reactions. While some fans express understanding towards the delays, others are disappointed in the timing of the shipments.

Trust in Larian

Despite the delays in shipping, many fans express their trust in Larian to deliver the physical deluxe edition in due time. The goodwill earned by the game developer over the years has resonated with fans, leading to a sense of assurance amidst the delays.

Patience vs. Frustration

While some fans exhibit patience and understanding towards the delayed shipments, others express frustration at the impact it may have on their gaming experience. The anticipation for the physical edition clashes with the inconvenience caused by the delays.

Impact on Gameplay

The delayed shipping of the physical deluxe edition raises concerns among fans regarding its impact on their gameplay experience. Some fans worry about the timing of the arrival affecting their ability to fully enjoy the game, while others remain optimistic about the overall experience.

Baldur’s Gate 3 fans continue to navigate through the challenges posed by the delayed physical deluxe edition shipments, showcasing a mix of anticipation, frustration, and trust in the developers. As the community eagerly awaits the arrival of their editions, the conversations on the subreddit reflect a diverse range of emotions and perspectives.