Apex Legends Gibraltar Guide: Best Tips and Tricks for Playing as Gibraltar

Throw out your shield, call in that mortar strike, and become Champions of the Arena with Gibraltar. Learn the best tips for him in our Apex Legends Gibraltar Guide.

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Anwell Patdu

Apex Legends Gibraltar: Key Takeaways

  • Apex Legends Gibraltar skills: Dome of Protection, Gun Shield, and Defensive Bombardment.
  • Always use your Dome to protect yourself and your team.
  • Always take advantage and play around your Gun Shield passive.
  • Use your Defensive Bombardment to zone enemies.
  • You’re more powerful at close to medium range battles.

Gibraltar is a gentle giant that likes to protect his team. He’s one of the easiest Legends to play and can fit well with most team comps. Find out the best tips and tricks for playing him in our complete Apex Legends Gibraltar guide.

Aiming Down Sights is Key

It’s no secret that using your ADS is one of Gibraltar’s most powerful tools. It brings up his Gun Shield and essentially gives him an extra 50 health that enemies have to gun through.

A key mistake that most new Apex Legends Gibraltar players make is not using ADS in close fights. While ADS can slow down your fire rate, the extra shield that Gibraltar gains is definitely worth it. So make sure to condition your mind to always use ADS in close-range fights.

Crouch Down

Apex Legends Gibraltar crouching done while shooting at an bot

Gibraltar is one of the biggest Legends in the game. Because of his size, his footsteps are louder, and he’s also a bigger target to hit. The Gun Shield when using ADS definitely helps, but it doesn’t cover your entire body.

This is where crouching comes in. Crouching while using ADS almost covers the entirety of Gibraltar’s body, making him incredibly tanky and hard to take down. Using ADS and crouching when fighting can be a huge game changer, so make sure to practice those moves.

There’s no better way to practice those moves than using Zleague.gg to team up with players within your same skill level.

Always Bring a Shotgun

Because of your Dome of Protection, most of your fights will happen in close-quarters combat. This makes it very essential to always have a shotgun in hand. Shotguns are one of the best weapons in Apex Legends for close-range fights, making it Gibraltar’s best friend.

Shotguns like the EVA-8 Auto or the Mastiff Shotgun can go a long way. They can not only help you win crucial fights but help you completely destroy an enemy team that dares to enter your dome.

Throwing it Dome

Gibraltar’s Dome of Protection is by far his most powerful skill. Most new Apex Legends Gibraltar players often use it too early or too late. They can even end up underutilizing the ability at times.

Something you can do is to use it to engage fights. Throwing it forward can help you create a safe space for your team and ensures that you’ll have a much-needed cover. You can also be creative with your placements, like on top of buildings or behind some extra walls, giving you two different covers within the same area.

Dome Doors

Another trick that all Apex Legends Gibraltar mains should add to their arsenal is using their tactical to block doors. There are two ways to do this. You can either place the edge of your Dome at an angle, making it very hard for enemies to burst through doors oryou can also place the edge directly on top of a door to make it impossible for enemies to break the door.

This can buy you some necessary time to heal up, escape, or regroup with allies. You’re basically fortifying doors, the same way Rampart can use her Amped Cover to block doors.

Defensive Bombardment Incoming, Domes Up

The final tip we have for today’s Apex Legends Gibraltar guide is comboing your tactical and ultimate abilities. Defensive Bombardment is a great way to force enemies to move or zone them out. Unfortunately, it can also affect Gibby himself and his allies.

If you don’t want to move from your position, you can immediately drop a Dome of Protection on top of your team. This prevents the mortar strike from hitting your team while still forcing enemies to move.