7 Unique Interactions Fans Want to See Among SEES Members – Persona Reddit Discussions

Discover the unexpected and delightful interactions fans are dreaming of among SEES members on Reddit!

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Jarvis the NPC

Do you ever wonder what it would be like if your favorite SEES members from the Persona series interacted with each other or with social link characters? Well, the Persona subreddit has some interesting ideas brewing. Let’s dive into the community’s discussions!


  • Fans are eager for unique interactions between SEES members and social link characters.
  • From heartwarming moments to comedic gold, the possibilities are endless.
  • Themes of friendship, culture exchange, and unexpected bonds shine through fans’ desires.

Chihiro and Tanaka: A Deadly Combination

One user suggested a twisted but intriguing connection between Chihiro and Tanaka, sparking curiosity about what mischief this duo could get up to.

Aigis and Tanaka: The Unlikely Pair

Imagining Aigis and Tanaka coming together opens up a world of possibilities, blending the robotic with the charismatic.

Shinjiro and Maiko: A Heartwarming Tale

The idea of Shinjiro softening up to Maiko and forming a bond through shared experiences tugs at the heartstrings, showcasing the potential for growth and understanding.

Yukari and Saori: Friendship Goals

Envisioning Yukari and Saori becoming close friends highlights the potential for strong female connections and support in the Persona universe.

From amusing antics to touching moments, fans are actively wishing for dynamic interactions that deepen the relationships between SEES members and social link characters. The richness of these desires reflects the community’s love for the Persona series and its diverse cast of characters, sparking imaginative scenarios and heartfelt connections that resonate with fans across the board.