Call of Duty: Which Modern Warfare Campaign Reigns Supreme?

The Reddit community debates which of the newest Call of Duty: Modern Warfare campaigns is the ultimate favorite.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Reddit community is in a frenzy discussing the newest Call of Duty campaigns and which one stands out as the ultimate favorite among players. Here’s a glimpse into their heated debates and contrasting opinions.


  • Players are divided between MWII and MWIII campaigns.
  • MWII is praised for its length and variety, while MWIII is criticized for lacking originality.
  • MW2019 receives mixed reviews, with some lauding its campaign while others find it lackluster.

MWII: A Polarizing Campaign

The sentiment towards MWII’s campaign is split. Some players appreciate its mission variety and engaging dialogue options, finding it entertaining. Others criticize its lack of depth and originality.

MWIII: The Black Sheep

MWIII faces backlash from players who feel it deviated from the legacy of the original Modern Warfare trilogy. The campaign is described as a disappointment, with accusations of being a cash grab.

MW2019: A Remake’s Reception

Opinions on MW2019 vary, with some praising its campaign as a remarkable remake, while others feel it falls short of expectations. The game’s narrative twists and turns are met with both praise and skepticism.