Gaming News: Reddit Users Share Which Games Opened Up New Genres for Them

Discover how gamers explore new genres of games that have changed their gaming experience forever!

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever played a game that completely changed your perception of a genre, leading you to dive into a whole new world of gaming possibilities? On Reddit, users shared their stories of how certain games opened up entirely new genres for them, sparking a newfound passion for unexplored gaming realms.


  • Skyrim introduced a player to the world of open-world fantasy RPGs.
  • Hades ignited a love for rogue-style games on Steam Deck.
  • Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic inspired a devotion to RPGs with player choices.
  • DMC 5 revealed the joy of action games, leading to exploring various titles in the genre.

Skyrim: A Gateway to Fantasy Realms

One user credited Skyrim as their entry point into the vast landscape of open-world fantasy RPGs. Their first foray into the genre left a lasting impression, prompting them to delve further into similar adventures.

Hades: Embracing the Roguelike Style

For another gamer, Hades was the catalyst that introduced them to the world of rogue-style games, becoming their preferred genre on the Steam Deck platform. The fast-paced action and challenging gameplay captivated their interest.

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: Shaping Your Destiny

A Reddit user expressed how Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic kindled their love for RPGs where player choices influence the game’s narrative. This dynamic storytelling element added a new layer of immersion to their gaming experience.

DMC 5: Unveiling the Thrill of Action

Discovering the exhilarating gameplay of Devil May Cry 5, a player was introduced to the world of action games and soon found themselves exploring titles like Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, Metal Gear Rising, and Vanquish. The adrenaline-pumping combat and impressive visuals in DMC 5 opened their eyes to a genre they had overlooked.