Gaming News: Unpopular Games That Secretly Rock – Reddit Confessions

Gamers share their guilty pleasures and defend unpopular games in a Reddit thread! Discover hidden gems and unexpected fan favorites.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever stumbled upon a game that everyone seems to dislike, but you can’t help but adore? Reddit users spill the beans on their guilty gaming pleasures and unexpected favorites in a lively discussion.


  • Discover the hidden gems gamers love despite the general opinion.
  • From overlooked titles like ‘Too Human’ to controversial ones like ‘Mass Effect: Andromeda,’ opinions vary widely.
  • Personal enjoyment often hinges on gameplay mechanics rather than critical reviews.

Dirty Bomb – A Diamond in the Rough

Despite comparisons to popular titles, user heedongq praises Dirty Bomb for its unique blend of gameplay elements that didn’t quite catch on with the masses.

Mass Effect: Andromeda – Flaws Can’t Dim the Fun

User Mohavor defends the divisive Mass Effect installment, pointing out its flaws while highlighting its enjoyable aspects.

Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey – A Divisive Entry

Standard_Program_492 delves into the polarizing reception of Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey, acknowledging criticisms but appreciating the game’s strengths.

Anthem – Love Despite Imperfections

Rage_Cube reflects on Anthem’s troubled journey, expressing a genuine affection for the game despite its issues.